Getting dizzy sometimes playing games...HELP!!

Can anyone please offer me some tips on how to limit any factors that may be causing me to get dizzy while playing my games? I specifically need help setting refresh rates and vertical sync.

I have a digital LCD Samsung 213T monitor. I currently have it set at 1280x960 and 75 Hz. This appears to be the highest allowable refresh rate. I also have a x800 XT PE and the latest Omega drivers.

1. Should I set V-sync on or off?

2. Should I set my refresh rate above the supported max of 75 Hz? I have heard that 100 Hz or 120 Hz is better with people who experience dizziness or simulator sickness. If so, what are the risks to my monitor with running it higher than specified refresh rates?

3. Is there anything else besides V-sync and refresh rates that I could try?

Remember I am just trying to eliminate any factors causing my diziness and not maxing out performance. I REALLY APPRECIATE anyone who can help here.

Thanks guys!!
overclocked_enthusiasm said:
1. Should I set V-sync on or off?

On. This should prevent screen-tearing and give you a more solid image to look at.

overclocked_enthusiasm said:
2. Should I set my refresh rate above the supported max of 75 Hz? I have heard that 100 Hz or 120 Hz is better with people who experience dizziness or simulator sickness. If so, what are the risks to my monitor with running it higher than specified refresh rates?

That's really just relevent to CRTs that refresh the screen in a different way from LCDs. Leave it at the highest supported setting.

overclocked_enthusiasm said:
3. Is there anything else besides V-sync and refresh rates that I could try?

Play for shorter periods. If you start getting dizzy, stop straight away to recover. If you keep playing you will get sensitized to the problem.

Play in a well lit room, rather than a darkened room.

Some people find taking anti-motion sickness pills like dramamine helps.

Turn off any head/weapon bob in FPSes.

Make sure you are not getting any mouse lag - I find this upsets me the most because it breaks the feedback loop. Your view needs to point where the mouse is going without overshooting or overcompenstating. You may need to lower details/resolution or disable any mouse compensation in the game.

Sit a little further back from the screen if you can.
Thanks for your quick response. I mostly play WOW right now and sometimes the change in perspective, depending on the terrain and aspect of my character, is perhaps causing my some problems. It is almost impossible to keep the same angle, distance or other spacial parameters consistent in WOW. It is just so darn fun!!

I decided to try 100 Hz for the refresh rate on both my desktop and ingame and have set both to 1280 x 960. I have V-sync enabled on both with "triple buffering" enabled in the game.

I have also heard that an oversized monitor may cause issues because of the larger peripheral vision required. I did not have issues with my 17" Ultrasharp from Dell. If these changes don't work, I may just switch back and see if that helps.

Thanks again for your response. If you think 100 Hz will fry my monitor please let me know. Seems to be working fine.
overclocked_enthusiasm said:
Thanks again for your response. If you think 100 Hz will fry my monitor please let me know. Seems to be working fine.

Well if you are out of spec, there's no knowing really. A modern monitor probably just won't accept the setting, so you may just be running at the highest it safely supports, rather than what you've requested of it.

I doubt higher refresh will make much difference to motion sickness if you're using an LCD monitor, because they don't refresh in scanlines like CRTs, so you don't get the same flickering issues that can cause eyestrain/dizzyness.
You don't need anywhere near as high a refresh rate on LCDs as you do on CRTs. 60Hz won't give you a headache/dizzies on an LCD where it'll make me nauseas in less than a minute on a CRT.
Do you notice any ghosting at all.... I tried a couple of different 19/20" LCD's, and founfd if there was any ghosting at all I got exactly the same symptoms as you.......the worse the ghosting, the quicker the symptoms....

BTW, the only 19" LCD I've used with no problems is the Dell 20"