GC: DMC4 360 vid!

wow, when was the last time they showed this game? It looks a lot better, there's now real-time shadows and HDR. I can't tell anything else though.
To clarify this post for anyone who wanders in, the article also states that it was being shown on PS3. They really get into how they compare though.
Very excited for this game. =)

Most every other big time 3d action game let's me down after being raised on DMC. Even the much-loved Ninja Gaiden and God of War can't match the origional bad boy.

DMC just has a hi-speed aggression that manages to elicit real emotion when I sit down to it.
Never seen or played this series before, but I stumbled across a playable version of this at X07 Canada today. Didn't know what it was until pulled up the user blade to see what it said I was playing. It seemed quite enjoyable, and I'll certainly be putting it on my list of ones to watch.