GBA SP motherboard.


Viewtiful hardware design, NICE! Opened up my GC the other day, same story: smart, compact and efficient (one heat sink/fan for CPU and GPU, etc.). What I dislike about all consoles: those cheap plastic cases, wouldn't it be great to have more quality options to choose from? Buy the default plastic version, pay 199,00 or get the deluxe version with alu case for 249,00. That would be much more cooler, then to have 6 "special color edtions"/year.
Why did you bother opening your GC, when there's detailed pics of it's innards to be found all over the net?
Yes it is, but it's also very risky.
So kids don't try this at home. :LOL:
Unless you really really want to.
Squeak said:
Why did you bother opening your GC, when there's detailed pics of it's innards to be found all over the net?
I had to fix one of Nintendo's design flaws, it was not willing to playback japanese games, so I had to stab it two times, into the guts, with a soldering iron, but now it plays along. I just don't like to be told, where to buy my software 8)

Don't worry about the kids, you need a special screwdriver to remove the case and some patience to dig even deeper, there are like 30 screws, before you are able to remove the heat sink.
Tagrineth said:
zurich said:
No room to put a headphone jack, but plenty to put an 'adapter'.. wee!

Correct. There ISN'T any room for a headphone jack.

That’s just not true, there are plenty of options.

1: They could have made a headphone jack a charge plug too, instead of the other way around.

2: They could have placed it inside the charge plug, like a plug in a plug.

3: They could have removed the tinny little speaker, and put a jack plug in its place, so the only option if you wanted sound, would be thru headphones. What kind of a sociopath sits in a car, train, classroom etc. with the volume up anyway?
I hear nobody complaining that they can't listen to their Minidisc or MP3 players without headphones.

4: They could have put it on the PCB if they wanted to. One obvious place would be above the volume control, from what I can see there is some unused space.
no headphone jack = accessory for purchase that can be way overpriced.

They are out to make a buck.
Squeak said:
Why did you bother opening your GC, when there's detailed pics of it's innards to be found all over the net?

to see if his one's different?

u know, like when u're a little kid and u look at down there and think "mmmm are they all like this?" even though u can go on the internet and find millions of pictures of.....

right, we were talking about GB.....