Gamestop prices for Xbox360 games

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pso said:
How will this impact PS3 game sales if it does indeed have a sticker price of $70 (thanks to Blu-Ray)?

Congrats, you just spoiled what could have been a perfectly decent thread.

Why does everything have to be spun into a PS3/X360 debate? It's happening a lot lately..inoffensive subject line, decent opener, then - BAM! - stupid and misplaced comparison with a competing system, invariably - it seems to me - designed to bait.

Some threads lend themselves naturally to competitive debate, but this one could have been fine without it. A lot of threads are getting started lately with a distinct taste of "wolf in sheep's clothing".
The game pricing is expensive. That's making me hold back from next generation, I just can't pay that amount for one game, it'll go through me. It's ridiculous, and I'm not made of money. One to two years in and I'll bite, because the pricing should have been reduced to a more reasonably level (30-40 per game).
Hardknock said:

That was found with a quick search, there are other articles out there on it aswell...

That article has also been debunked many times as well. The costs of BD-ROM production over DVD will be ~10%. The mistake in the article was regarding the likely estimated costs of HD movies being $29.99 vs the same DVD movies being $19.99. That's true of both HD-DVD and BD-ROM and the reasons are that studios want to create an additional revenue stream for "premium movies" while still maintaining the DVD market. It's not because of the costs of the media.

Here's other articles regarding costs:

Sony, Microsoft, & Nintendo already charge publishers ~$3 per disc for manufacturing and packaging. Sony might need to charge $4 for BD-ROM, but it won't be $13, $10, or ever $7.

Bottom line: It almost certainly won't cause any difference in price to the cost of the game at all (until you consider the cost to make a game that has 2-3 times as much content (art assets, level design, etc), which would be very substantial ;) )
sonycowboy said:
That article has also been debunked many times as well. The costs of BD-ROM production over DVD will be ~10%. The mistake in the article was regarding the likely estimated costs of HD movies being $29.99 vs the same DVD movies being $19.99. That's true of both HD-DVD and BD-ROM and the reasons are that studios want to create an additional revenue stream for "premium movies" while still maintaining the DVD market. It's not because of the costs of the media.

Here's other articles regarding costs:

Sony, Microsoft, & Nintendo already charge publishers ~$3 per disc for manufacturing and packaging. Sony might need to charge $4 for BD-ROM, but it won't be $13, $10, or ever $7.

Bottom line: It almost certainly won't cause any difference in price to the cost of the game at all (until you consider the cost to make a game that has 2-3 times as much content (art assets, level design, etc), which would be very substantial ;) )

Cool, well I hope not. There are so many conflicting reports going around, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. One things for sure, movie studios will probably still charge out the ass regardless though. :(
Maybe someone has already forgotten why the console forum was taken off for a couple of days already.

Leave your bickering outside.
sonycowboy said:
Bottom line: It almost certainly won't cause any difference in price to the cost of the game at all (until you consider the cost to make a game that has 2-3 times as much content (art assets, level design, etc), which would be very substantial ;) )

I don't know how true that really is. Most companies don't like to absorb a greater cost when they can easily pass it down to the consumer. I forsee most companies that use (if any really do at all) BD-ROMS for games might have them priced a couple of dollars higher. Partially for the increased cost and partially for the "new technology" premium.
Any game that requires a BRD's capacity will cost a LOT more to produce, as there's all those art assets needed to fill up that space. If those games aren;t more expensive the companies that produce them will surely go bust. I expect bigger games to cost more, but games in the main won't use that much data.
Shifty Geezer said:
Any game that requires a BRD's capacity will cost a LOT more to produce, as there's all those art assets needed to fill up that space. If those games aren;t more expensive the companies that produce them will surely go bust. I expect bigger games to cost more, but games in the main won't use that much data.

HD FMV would fill a BDROM quickly, and if there are 2 versions of the same FMV (one HD and one SD) then it's even worse.

Still, only SquarEnix would be in that position i think.
wco81 said:
As for game prices, yes I think some publishers will try to charge $60 and they're putting out feelers to see if there would be a revolt.

But the truth is, they're having harder and harder time getting people to pay $50 except for a handful of really hot titles. Most games end up being discounted after a couple of weeks unless they got legs like GT4 or GTA.

If gamers exercise restraint (or better yet, there's some grass-roots resistance like there was against DiVX, we could crush these $60 attempts), they will cut prices.

This is exactly right from what I've read. The reason for $60 games isn't higher development costs. It's simply because that's what they believe consumers will be willing to pay. I believe they also said that $60 will be for the biggest titles; the rest will be $50.

I'm glad to hear that people aren't even spending $50. It made me angry to see game developers go from a very reasonable $40 in the PS1 era to $50 for PS2 games, without any real explanation for it.

I highly doubt we will see games hit $70 this generation. People may not even be willing to pay $60. In the unlikely event that we do see $70 games, though, it will be because people have demonstrated that they're willing to spend that much.
Though I hate gross profit margins in any industry, given the number of closures of small developers and the general ropiness of the industry I'm not averse to paying more if the games deliver. The sorts of games I want aren't going to be producable with the same budgets as current games and the devs need to make their money somewhere.
Titanio said:
Congrats, you just spoiled what could have been a perfectly decent thread.

Why does everything have to be spun into a PS3/X360 debate? It's happening a lot lately..inoffensive subject line, decent opener, then - BAM! - stupid and misplaced comparison with a competing system, invariably - it seems to me - designed to bait.

Some threads lend themselves naturally to competitive debate, but this one could have been fine without it. A lot of threads are getting started lately with a distinct taste of "wolf in sheep's clothing".

Congrats of you making something out of nothing. It seems like you're trying to find something in my posts that's not there and spin it around. I noticed you only quoted me on my first post but not the others... I wonder why? Did you not see my other posts? I guess not.

FYI, I'm getting all 3 next-gen systems. The only one who is spinning this into PS3/X360 debate is you, no one else. Don't tell me I "spoiled what could have been a perfectly decent thread", you're the one who spoiled it with your first sentence in your reply.
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