Frustrating day, I'm gonna re-flash my X800.


Someone was telling me I missed a trick by flashing back to a modified pro bios after unlocking the 4 additional pipes, so I figured I'd flash it to a full-fledged Saphire XT....but clocked at 500/560 'cause I'm still a tad chickenshit.

Goodly idea? :|
I found that my Pro's memory would not reliably run 560. It looked good until certain heavy apps would give it artifacts. I flashed to a 500/500 XT bios and overclock from there if I want to.
Well DW, you know I flashed mine to XT PE, I had it in a SFF pc at the time too and it never crashed, but if I put the memory up to just like 565 it would artifact..

Oh and btw I tried ATI tool to slow it down in 2d, and run it at 500/500 in 3d to reduce heat (in the computer room) and then it started crashing... weird huh? IT runs more stable at regular XTPE clocks than XT clocks, oh well. Now that it is winter I do not mind the extra heat anyway
digitalwanderer said:
I've been running mine 500/540 with a pro bios for many moons now without problem, do you have the 1.6ns ram?

Yeah, but when the card was hot and working hard, I saw occasional stray polygons on 3DMark03, 3Dmark05 and UT2K4 unless i was at 535. In the end I just forgot about overclocking and just settled on a standard 500/500 XT BIOS.

If I ever put a Artic Cooler on it that pulls the air out of the case and keeps the case/card cooler, I might jack up the speed again, but I probably won't bother given I'll be upgrading the whole PC to PCI-E/A64 in the middle of next year when R520 arrives and the new motherboards have had the kinks worked out.
Sxotty said:
Oh and btw I tried ATI tool to slow it down in 2d, and run it at 500/500 in 3d to reduce heat (in the computer room) and then it started crashing... weird huh? IT runs more stable at regular XTPE clocks than XT clocks, oh well. Now that it is winter I do not mind the extra heat anyway
I got a messed up screen too when I underclocked my 9800 Pro too much (297/297 works while 270/270 won't).
Meh, my case has got killer airflow....any modding that a pair of tinsnips, some sweat, a few old screws, and some elbow-grease can do I'm all for. ;)

I changed the bios I'm gonna flash it with to 500/540 however, just gonna change it to an XT bios at the same clocks....should be more interesting from a benchmark position too ta see the differences if just the pro->XT is the only thing I change.

I dunno, mebbe I'll nap first. My son is home sick after a weekend I was home all weekend with the kids and I'm kind of burnt out on everything, now that I got the kids home and FINALLY napping (and all the puke cleaned up :rolleyes: ) I think I might just go die in my bed a bit and wait for me wife to come home and wake me up. (Or the kids to wake and kick me up, whichever. )

Thanks for the input, I'll check back later before I do it. (As well as run a slew of me fave benchmarks real quick for an accurate "before/after" comparison)