Found a new place!!

London Geezer

YAY!! Yesterday i finally found a new place to move in on the 1st October.
3 bed split-level flat, 2 bathrooms, of which 1 is en-suite with the main bedroom (guess who's taking that one...). Wooden flooring, nice kitchen, nice big lounge and cute garden too! And only 2 mins from the tube!

So, from the 1st October (or as soon as they activate it) i'll have broadband at home, and that will be the end for both Digi and JVD. I WILL BE BACK TO THE TOP! :LOL:

Besides, i haven't been on top for a while.
(You knew there was gonna be a LB joke in here at one point)
sytaylor said:
Congrats :) How the hell did you afford somewhere so "huge" in london?

Well, i'll be sharing with my best friend Richard, and the auditions are now open for the third one...
And it's in Finsbury Park, which is kinda cheap, compared to many other places around London...
Still, i'll have the big burden since i'm taking the biggest room with en-suite, the other 2 are doubles but slightly smaller...
sytaylor said:
/me thinks l-b must be mega rich

i'd struggle a studio apartment in leeds...

Well i managed to take the price down from 360pw to 345pw. No, not by doing what you all think i did.
So that works out at 120 a week for me, then 115 and 110 for the other 2.
Shared out like that, thats not horrible, still on just £21k (bastid BT) it would take me from behind without consent to rent at the price, especially owning a car.
sytaylor said:
Shared out like that, thats not horrible, still on just £21k (bastid BT) it would take me from behind without consent to rent at the price, especially owning a car.

See, i earn a bit less than that, and i'll be struggling. If you consider bills and fucking council tax on top.
Yeah, I guess, but I'm working with a car that costs about £370 a month to run... paying £240 to my dad per month.. internet £40, phone £50.. as well as other misc bills that make up another couple of hundred

thats before i've bought any beer or been near the shops :oops:
sytaylor said:
Yeah, I guess, but I'm working with a car that costs about £370 a month to run... paying £240 to my dad per month.. internet £40, phone £50.. as well as other misc bills that make up another couple of hundred

thats before i've bought any beer or been near the shops :oops:

THINK OF IT THIS WAY, i've been spending more money that's been coming in every month for the last 2 years or so.
Yearly bonus and MOTHER usually top me up once a year, so i'm never in trouble, but i do need to watch my pennies now until i find ways to make lots of money.
Well if there were any doubts left of your gender persuasion they just went out of the window. Its funny in jumpin jaks (you ever go to one?), when they play that song most of the guys sit down except for the guys who accessorise extremley well.
sytaylor said:
Well if there were any doubts left of your gender persuasion they just went out of the window. Its funny in jumpin jaks (you ever go to one?), when they play that song most of the guys sit down except for the guys who accessorise extremley well.

HEHEHE... No i'm a serious clubber. But yeah i've had the pop phase. And also the R&B phase. Long gone now. When you discover the clubs you can actually find nice people, and fab music (even when it's a bit too hardcore) you never go back to the really gay ones, the ones that play Madonna, Beyonce and Liberty X one after the other... Urgh...
I went the other way, started out pop as an 11 year old, got into dance at 13.. then rock at 16 and ive been there ever since. Although I don't discriminate, I love rock... Can't beat some slipknot when you're feeling angry, Incubus when feeling inspired etc...

Pop sux tho :p Someone shot Brian McFadden while he's on TRL or something.. and then gimmie emma grifiths from MTV ^^
sytaylor said:
I went the other way, started out pop as an 11 year old, got into dance at 13.. then rock at 16 and ive been there ever since. Although I don't discriminate, I love rock... Can't beat some slipknot when you're feeling angry, Incubus when feeling inspired etc...

Pop sux tho :p Someone shot Brian McFadden while he's on TRL or something.. and then gimmie emma grifiths from MTV ^^

Oh, i turned to rock too, funny enough. But clubbing, i go to serious clubs. The new thing here is the "polysexual" clubs. Which are cool, cause they're basically gay clubs, but full of fag hags, mostly gorgeous too. So i usually spend the night going around with one or 2 friends, telling all the girls how cute they are, snogging them sometimes, then off to a new one! Or the next cute guy.... :LOL: Oh it's cool to be a poof! :LOL:
Yeah, I'd do it if it didn't repulse me (sorry its the whole male flesh thing I think I have a mental block). Its not seeing other guys so much as the thought of me with another guy, not nice... anyhoo

Clubs where I live in halifax are full of small town folk dressed up to look like theyre not from a small town. In leeds there is a good range though, somethign for everyone.
Funny thing is that you see all these cute girls drooling over us guys, they look, they smile, they touch, and they know we're gay so it's hopeless. so it's good to go around to them, telling them how cute they are, dance with them for a while, kissing them, then go "BYE!!" and off to the next one!!
But once a girl was kinda upset with that, not sure why, but she kept on looking at me, sulking, as soon as she found out i was there with my man... I mean, what does she expect?!?! Cute guy, no top on, in a gay club... Duh!