Some infos on the upcoming demo :
- The region of Duscae is not only composed of vast grassy plains, but also areas with moutains , trees and caves.
- There are also hidden treasures in some areas with tough ennemies around protecting them.
- In FFXV experience is not gain through battles. But while camping, different options are then available like listening to conversation, changing the equipment of your party, or cook. there will be different levels of cooking and you can ask ignis to cook. Items and food will be available to purchase in cities or after defeating fallen ennemies.
-Like seen in the recent trailers of the demo, you can battle the behemot. you can also explore the area to see where he comes from and confront him. You ll have to be very well prepared to vainquish him.
- if Noctis HP go down to zero, there won't be any game over. Your party members can resurrect him during battles. ( maybe as long as you have a phenix down ).