Female Finds Finger in Fast Food


No, this isn't another tongue twister thread. But I bet her tongue went through a few twists after this incident:

A woman's meal at a Wendy's restaurant brought a whole new meaning to the term "finger food." The woman bit into a portion of a human finger while eating a bowl of chili Tuesday night at the San Jose restaurant... (Source)

Anyone here ever eat at the San Jose Wendy's?
ZoinKs! said:
No, this isn't another tongue twister thread. But I bet her tongue went through a few twists after this incident:

A woman's meal at a Wendy's restaurant brought a whole new meaning to the term "finger food." The woman bit into a portion of a human finger while eating a bowl of chili Tuesday night at the San Jose restaurant... (Source)

Anyone here ever eat at the San Jose Wendy's?

It could be worse:


what comes to my mind is, who do those fingers and penises belong to?!?! i'm sure someone would have raised the alarm when the "incident" happened... right?
london-boy said:
what comes to my mind is, who do those fingers and penises belong to?!?! i'm sure someone would have raised the alarm when the "incident" happened... right?
You'd think so, but to make this even more disconcerting... perhaps it wasn't an accident. Perhaps some disturbed woman did this to herself; in the worst case scenario she may have been a murder victim. An accident at a food processing plant is almost pleasant in comparison. :?

This is like something out of a CSI episode.
london-boy said:

what comes to my mind is, who do those fingers and penises belong to?!?! i'm sure someone would have raised the alarm when the "incident" happened... right?

Maybe they come from the porn/snuff industry? There are some sick videos online, maybe this is how they dispose of the parts?
Thread resurrected because... the plot thickens :!:

Police in San Jose, Calif. — the site of the Wendy's in question — announced the arrest of Anna Ayala in Las Vegas. Police spokesman Enrique Garcia said authorities would not give any details until a news conference Friday.
The question still remains.... where'd she get the finger?
ZoinKs! said:
Thread resurrected because... the plot thickens :!:

Police in San Jose, Calif. — the site of the Wendy's in question — announced the arrest of Anna Ayala in Las Vegas. Police spokesman Enrique Garcia said authorities would not give any details until a news conference Friday.
The question still remains.... where'd she get the finger?

SPOOKY!!! It's like the Serial Mom movie with Kathleen Turner (fantastic movie BTW)....
ZoinKs! said:
Thread resurrected because... the plot thickens :!:

Police in San Jose, Calif. — the site of the Wendy's in question — announced the arrest of Anna Ayala in Las Vegas. Police spokesman Enrique Garcia said authorities would not give any details until a news conference Friday.
The question still remains.... where'd she get the finger?

Yes, I can see it now, the headlines tomorrow will undoubtedly be:

Who Gave Ayala the Finger?
ZoinKs! said:
Thread resurrected because... the plot thickens :!:

Police in San Jose, Calif. — the site of the Wendy's in question — announced the arrest of Anna Ayala in Las Vegas. Police spokesman Enrique Garcia said authorities would not give any details until a news conference Friday.
The question still remains.... where'd she get the finger?

From Slashdot? :devilish:
I can hear them changing their presses to read:

All Fingers are Pointing at Ayala

or maybe

Ayala Fingered in Wendy Chili Mystery

Wouldn't it be delightful if there was a statement like "the evidence points at Ayala" and, in fact, the finger was pointing at her as discovered in the chili? It's these little ironies that make life so absolutely astonishingly absurd and lovable.
Without pointing the finger at anyone, tabling this kind of digital pulp interests only those media manipulees living an intellectual hand to mouth existence. This sort of internet fingerfood is an extreme appendage best viewed in isolation from the main body of internet news.
On one hand, I am palpably happy to see the long arm of the law reach out and finger those clutching at the disjointed US legal system for handouts. On the other, this story serves itself up as an index case of biting the hand that feeds.
It happened again, but this time they know where the finger came from:

Stowers, who did not immediately return calls Monday from The Associated Press, told the station: "I thought it was candy because they put candy in your ice cream ... to make it a treat. So I said, 'OK, well, I'll just put it in my mouth and get the ice cream off of it and see what it is.'"
N.C. Man Finds Finger in Frozen Custard

We need a "sick to the stomach" smiley. :eek: