Fav Action Set piece in a Movie


Whats your fav action set piece in a film?

Criteria includes;

-chase scenes
-any i've forgottern that exites you [not what you think] and draws adrenaline.

My favs are-

-The opening 5 minutes of Kathryn Bigelows Strange Days when those guys rob a returant in a seemless single shot track for the whole duration.
-The hospital sequence in John Woo's Hard Boiled where for 14 minutes its utter destruction as we follow the two heros from behind in one seemless 6 minute action setpiece with the same camera, a quick cut and then another single shot action setpiece for 8 minutes. Those of you who have seen it know what i mean.
-The Scooby moment in Katheryn Bigelows Point Break [yes i have a stiffy for her]. You know, the bit where Gary Busey is walking down the street shouting for his dog - Keanu Reeves is late for his own raid and stealthy lingers in the background. All hell breaks loose and the set peice ends when the big ass nazi mo'fo trys to ram Reeves head into a lawn mower....FANTASTIC.
-The fight scene between 006 [Sean Bean] and 007 [Peirce Brosnian SP] in Goldeneye.

Whats yours.

Come and have a go if you think you iz hard enough.
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From the top of my head:
the rescue mission in the matrix
the escape from cyberdine in terminator 2
all of predator
Most of die hard 3
