Father of LSD turns 100!


Yahoo news posted up a story about the guy who invented LSD turning 100:

LSD is an unlikely subject for a 100th birthday party. Yet the Swiss chemist who discovered the mind-altering drug and was its first human guinea pig is celebrating his centenary Wednesday — in good health and with plans to attend an international seminar on the hallucinogenic.

"I had wonderful visions," Albert Hofmann said, recalling his first accidental consumption of the drug.

"I sat down at home on the divan and started to dream," he told the Swiss television network SF DRS. "What I was thinking appeared in colors and in pictures. It lasted for a couple of hours and then it disappeared."
Not something for everyone, hell it's something I recomend against for most.....but it sure had an influence on me. :)
LSD is still one of those few things i haven't tried and have no intention of trying either!

Funny how the guy how must have consumed a ridiculous amount of it is living well over the average life expectancy in europe or any other country :LOL:
I generally avoid things that fuck with the brain, for no other reason that along with the dick, it's one of those things that can't really be replaced by a transplant operation... ;)

Caffeine is where I draw the line, and that has precious little effect on me anyway. LSD? No friggin way. I wouldn't desecrate the sanctity of the temple that is my body with that crap, nor anything else of the sort either. I don't see the point in blowing out a couple million neurons just for a short while's worth of wholly artificial pleasure.
Guden Oden said:
I don't see the point in blowing out a couple million neurons just for a short while's worth of wholly artificial pleasure.

LSD does not destroy brain cells. MDMA, however, is neurotoxic.
A mate of mine (back when) had a bad trip on LSD and nearly cut his own dick off because he thought it was going to strangle him. So LSD can be bad for the sex-life :LOL:
digitalwanderer said:
Yup, and it's impossible to overdose on pure LSD too.

(Although there is no guarantee you'll ever be sane again!)

what? I thought that LSD worked by overpowering your liver, then the visions you saw were because all of the toxins reaching your brain shocked it into a near-death state... perhaps it's time to do some searching on wikipedia

also, why is it illegal if it doesn't kill your brain and you cannot OD on it?
Sage said:
why is it illegal if it doesn't kill your brain and you cannot OD on it?
Oh, it can kill you real easy...just not by ODing.

Hallucinations can kill you real easy, the classic "guy thinks he is superman so tries to fly/stop a train" just leap to mind.

LSD is a total mindfuck, very intense stuff. If you don't have a strong worldgrip or are unstable before trying it it'll likely multiply that about a zillion times and attack you with it. :???:
Celebrate his birthday by reading The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. :LOL:



The chemist experimented with a larger dose three days later, but the result this time was a "horror" trip, he wrote. His surroundings turned into threatening images. A neighbor was transformed into a wicked witch.

Palmer Eldritch, a man who brought the drug back from the Prox star system, may have ulterior motives involving the God-like powers that Chew-Z seems to grant him - as well as total control of humanity - since everyone who tries Chew-Z seems to hallucinate visions that include him and eventually becomes him. The "three stigmata" refers to the symbols of the appearance of Palmer Eldritch: an artificial hand, artificial eyes (Jensen visor), and a deformed jaw containing steel teeth.
My main concern with LSD has always been the idea of flashbacks. That's probably the scariest idea related to drugs I've ever heard.

That said, I don't think I'll ever try any of these illegal drugs, if only for the reason that my mind is my greatest asset (having chosen physics as a career and all), and doing anything to mess with how it operates, well, isn't something I'd want to risk (since it works well now).
But as a physicist these illegal mind-altering drugs might open you up to the real truthes of the Universe and make you more productive as a scientist (I mean TBH sometimes I look at some of the contents of astro-ph, gr-qc, hep-ph and so on and wonder how the guys who wrote that stuff could *not* have been on the wacky-backy at the time).
Chalnoth said:
My main concern with LSD has always been the idea of flashbacks. That's probably the scariest idea related to drugs I've ever heard.
Only had a couple myself, but only when I was really high too.
digitalwanderer said:
Only had a couple myself, but only when I was really high too.
From what I understand, flashbacks occur because the drug remains within the fat cells pretty much indefinitely. So flashbacks would seem to be more likely to occur in situations where you're burning a lot of fat, such as during some physical exertion when you have been out of shape for a long time. Regardless of the cause, though, just the idea really freaks me out, so there's doubly no way I'd try LSD, PCP, or anything similar.

That aside, I'm a pretty happy person all-around, so I just see no reason to risk my mind, no matter how small the risk may in practice be, on a few moments of pleasure (or whatever a hallucinogen may bring...).
When I was a kid in elementry school, we had a anti-drug speaker come to talk to us that had a LSD flashback right there at the front of the auditorium. The took him off stage for a while, and when he came back, he explained a bit about what happened, and how he doesn't trust himself to drive anymore.

Probably the most honest speaker we ever had, his message was more "Doing drugs has consequences" and not "Drugs are EVIL!"
Chalnoth said:
My main concern with LSD has always been the idea of flashbacks. That's probably the scariest idea related to drugs I've ever heard.

That said, I don't think I'll ever try any of these illegal drugs, if only for the reason that my mind is my greatest asset (having chosen physics as a career and all), and doing anything to mess with how it operates, well, isn't something I'd want to risk (since it works well now).

Not to hijack this thread but that's part of what makes TTSOPE such a frightening novel. The peeps involved can't escape having flashbacks/the hallucinatory world created by Chew-Z and inhabited by Eldritch. ;)

One of my favorite scenes involves when a character, thinking his sojourn in Eldritch's nightmare reality was over, starts dictating to his secretary. He says something like "send that off" and she looks up and smiles. :) Lol, she has the Stigmata of Eldritch, the teeth, eyes and hand.

As a poster on Amazon noted, it's virtually impossible to post spoilers for this novel. It defies spoilers due to its intricate plot.

Trivia: It was published in Germany with the title "LSD Astronauts". :LOL:
