Fact or Fox-tion


Seeing that CNN and Fox news seem to have a lower number of viewers from news reports today, I found this interesting article: Fact or Fox-tion

Catchy title, heres the lead in paragraph from the article:

One of the leading media corporations that advocated for a U.S. invasion of Iraq was News Corp and its subsidiary Fox Television. Rupert Murdoch's Fox News acted as a megaphone for the Bush Administration's march to war. Over and over Fox News' hosts and contributors made misleading comments -- many of which have been proven to be 100% false. The question now is whether or not Fox hosts and contributors will admit they were wrong and apologize to their viewers for giving them unfair and unbalanced information.

Any opinions?
Color me unimpressed by the "rebutting" of opinions with more opinions and off topic facts (and off topic opinions, at that).
Razor04 said:
It's Fox...did you really expect any less?
Actually Fox has supprised my by covering non-events much more deeply than CNN. Take the X-43a flight at mach 7. Fox had coverage that was over an hour, whereas cnn only showed the actual flight.

BTW Bill o'reilley did appologize for his part in the days preceding the war. (Although not the most forceful of mea culpa's.)
