ENE CB-1410 Cardbus Controller


Entirely Suboptimal
Anyone know anything about this chip?

I picked up a Audigy PCMCIA and am getting static and pops out of it. I have a feeling it's because of this chip. I've been trying to find register information about it so I can check out what's enabled by the generic XP Cardbus driver.

After reading about Echo's and Hammerfall's problems with their cardbus cards and this cardbus controller, I'm a little concerned. I think that ENE is some little company offering a VERY cheap, half-ass chip for cost-saving corps to put into their systems. Sad thing is Cardbus has been around for almost 10 years.....you'd think they'd have gotten it right by now.
Isn't cardbus just a repackaged PCI implementation? If so, there's probably plenty of ways of making a creative soundcard produce crackly sound... :?

Perhaps you would have more success asking your question on a Linux-development-centric board? There it should be people who have rooted around in the bowels of your particular chip.