Endian conversions


Retarded moron
Keep in mind a few things in my code were done due to verbosity (implicit casts made explicit) due to my belief it's a good thing to do. I need to clean some stuff up (like the templates on the integral type is unnecessary) and the memory leak.

I tested this against ID software's version which I happened to find on Gamedev in an article.
In any case I needed endian independence and this is my result.
This was tested against ID's code and it always gave the same results as theirs.

Now I wait for someone to bite my head off. If there's reason to do so then go right ahead. :)

class EndianFloatSwap
        float SwapFloat(const float &value){
            void *floatingBite = static_cast<void*>(const_cast<float*>(&value));
            unsigned char arrayBytes[sizeof(float)];
            unsigned char *floatAsByte = 0x00;

            floatAsByte = (reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(floatingBite));
            SwapByteOrder(floatAsByte, arrayBytes, sizeof(float));

            return *reinterpret_cast<float*>(arrayBytes);

        double SwapDouble(const double &value){
            void *floatingBite = static_cast<void*>(const_cast<double*>(&value));
            unsigned char arrayBytes[sizeof(double)];
            unsigned char *floatAsByte = 0x00;

            floatAsByte = (reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(floatingBite));
            SwapByteOrder(floatAsByte, arrayBytes, sizeof(double));

            return *reinterpret_cast<double*>(arrayBytes);

        void SwapByteOrder(unsigned char *byteConvertedFloat, unsigned char arrayBytes[], const unsigned int &numberOfBytePairs){
            const unsigned int bytesInPointerMinus1 = numberOfBytePairs - 1;

            for(unsigned int idx=0; idx < numberOfBytePairs; idx++){
                arrayBytes[idx] = byteConvertedFloat[bytesInPointerMinus1 - idx];

template <typename T>
class EndianIntegralSwap
        short SwapShort(const short &value){
            return this->IntegralSwap(value);

        int SwapInt(const int &value){
            return this->IntegralSwap(value);

        T IntegralSwap(const T &value){
            const unsigned int maxSize = sizeof(T);
            const unsigned int bitsPerByte = 8;
            const T mask = 0xFF;
            unsigned char mod = 0;
            unsigned char reverseMod = 0;
            T result = 0;

            mod = 0;
            reverseMod = bitsPerByte * (maxSize - 1);
            result = ((value >> mod) & mask) << reverseMod;

            for(unsigned int idx=1; idx < maxSize; idx++){
                mod = idx * bitsPerByte;
                reverseMod = bitsPerByte << idx;

                result |= static_cast<T>(((value >> mod) & mask) << reverseMod);

            return result;