Earl Grey Tea!

Guden Oden

Senior Member
It's one of those universal tea flavors that you can get everywhere. Captain Picard even drinks it in the 24th century.

Or is it, really?

I must have tried at least 10 different blends of Earl Grey over the last couple years. They All Taste Different.

They even smell different, though they're all supposed to be black tea (which in of itself doesn't give off a strong aroma) scented with bergamot oil. Some Earl Greys however have a distinct lemony aroma (which probably isn't strange as bergamot's a variety of citrus tree), while others are not. Some Earl Greys are quite flowery in their flavor, Lipton's Earl Grey is very neutral and all-round in its basic flavor with prominent bergamot aroma while the original Twinings blend is noticably smoky in the base flavor with low-key bergamot.

I hadn't tried it for a very long time before I bought a pack some days ago, so I'd forgotten the way it tastes. It was quite a surprise, guess I will have to get used to it all over again. :)
I found that Marks & Spencers Earl Grey is superior to Twinings, Liptons, Fortnum & Masons. It does not require sweetening, milk or any other additive.

Shame they stopped selling it in Canada :(
Boring? Ye of little faith!

A good cup of Earl Grey is very relaxing, and it's also a very versatile blend that goes well with most anything on the side - gingerbread snaps, digestives, sandwiches etc... :) It doesn't alter the taste of that which is eaten.
Earl Grey = Yeeeuch! :(

Horrid stuff.

Despite being English I tend to drink Green tea most of the time now... without milk, of course!

Lapsang Souchong (black tea) is OK, though.
Earl Grey rocks, but I can't drink it very often. I mostly default to green tea, preferrably with a slight apple note.
Guden Oden said:
It's one of those universal tea flavors that you can get everywhere. Captain Picard even drinks it in the 24th century.

Or is it, really?

I must have tried at least 10 different blends of Earl Grey over the last couple years. They All Taste Different.

I suspect it very much depends on the "raw" tea leaves that it was made from. Since these are natural there's surely going to be a difference from season to season and growing region.

FWIW I've bought Twinings, Whittards and Sainsbury's in the UK and probably some other brand in Australia. Generally I've found all to be reasonably consistent and enjoyable.

Mariner said:
Lapsang Souchong (black tea) is OK, though.
Ahhh Barbecue flavour. :) Not my favourite but nice for a change,

digitalwanderer said:
Just say, "Earl Grey, hot.", into the replicator and THAT is what it's supposed to taste like. :rolleyes:

Why do I feel that this is exactly what the late great Douglas Adams had in mind when he described the Nutrimatic ....
Mariner said:
Lapsang Souchong (black tea) is OK, though.

There's Lapsang Souchong in Twining's blend of Earl Grey. :) There's Darjeeling in it too by the way...

I like green tea also, Japanese Genmaicha is a particular favorite of mine. It's incredibly relaxing to drink after a meal, it soothes and calms the stomach wonderfully.