Dragon Quest 8 review

Good design

Shark Sandwich said:
I'm enjoying this game immensely as well. The music is amazing! The overworld theme is possibly the best one since Final Fantasy VII. I think a huge part of what makes an RPG special is its music. My only complaint so far is that the random battles get boring after a while. At least they go by fairly quickly, and some of the enemies are hilarious. Overall, DQ VIII might be the first great RPG of this console generation. I'm about as pleased with DQ VIII as I am disappointed with the FF XII demo, and that's saying a lot. . .

Yes, music is very good and as you say for RPG, music plays big role in creating feeling. Graphics is also very impressive with high polygon count and smooth frame-rate. I look forward to playing entire game of DQ8.
I took the leap and bought it. I'm not really into JRPG other than FF so I kinda questioned why I picked this over RE4. I guess I'll get RE4 at a later date.

So far this game is pretty good, very similar to FF but has its own charm. the cell shading is awesome, it's like playing a cartoon. Mechanics are easy and the leveling up is easy to pick up. Music is awesome, though can get repetative. Especially the battles.

Pretty good and well worth it, the lady who sold it to me said she's played 20 hours of it and still haven't finished it. I can see why though, the enemies (especially the bosses) always seem to have an edge over me despite my leveling up. The reviews are right, the battles can be insanely hard, not like FF where you can own the bosses after some time of leveling up.

Haven't really gone into the FFXII demo, quickly played it for 5 mins, can't wait, will have to get used to the game mechanics though.