Dragon Age Veilguard

Can't believe there's not a thread for this one, looked but couldn't find one.

Playing it on PC. Ryzen 2600x, 16gb, 2070 super, and it's on an SSD. At 1080p it's beautiful and smooth. Played for a few hours last night just meaning to tweak it but the story sort of grabbed me and I stayed up too late again. Went looking for some tweakage info and came across this unexpected gem and thought it'd be best to share.

How to disable bloom, credit to Reddit :

C:\Users\<username>\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age The Veilguard\settings\ProfileOptions_profile
Open file in text editor, change GstRender.UI_Bloom from 1 to 0.
@Dictator I was wondering if you know how to force the game to recompile the shaders again, that long ass sequence the game does the very first time you enter it. New driver install or deleting the nvidia shader cache doesnt do it, just that short, 5 second one
Thats what i did previously, read some damn "tips" on some forum that the start of the game will be sped up if you remove the shader cache folder from the game install. It was, the game was still checking shaders, but much quicker. But then stutter randomly in game, that wasnt there before. I managed to force the game to do the original shader check again after uninstal/reinstall and deleting most of the dragon age related remnants of files that i could find.
I've got this for the PS5 but I haven't installed yet. My Pro should be turning up this week and this will be the first game I play on it/
It is a real disappointment, what they gave us. It's only a DA game in name and nothing else. I have to admit I am on my second playthrough now just to see what difference, if any, my choices make. It's got its own quirky style that is unique but it's just way too disneyfied and so badly written it just grates sometimes. I want my dark grittyness back, in fact I find Inquisition is a better DA game than this. Not to mention all the other political, and cultural sign waving it's doing which just seems so out of place given the world in which they are setting this. The language used, the terminology, and the constant unending stream of characters who are always happy with whatever choice you make. It got me actually looking forward to some of them dying just so I wouldn't have to hear anymore self congratulatory drivel. And now it's not even worth anything as seond hand because it's failing so badly.

It makes me sad to think this is what Bioware has become and I dread seeing what they do to Mass Effect (which I am now playing through with the Legendary edition. Just finshed ME 1 and started ME 2.) .
Given the commentary I’ve seen, I may be decapitated for this… but. Kinda loving this game? Granted, I never played the previous ones but this looks great (on PS5 Pro), plays great (nothing too complicated and difficult)…
I really enjoyed the game; it's fun, and the learning curve is easy for casual players. The game runs good and performance is great. I played the old Dragon Age games on my GTX 460 more than a decade ago that I've forgotten what the meta was all about—and honestly, I couldn't care less :runaway: . There are some funny DEI stuff, but they aren't annoying. It's pity they laid off so many people.