The girl in the screenshot is doubled over because she just got punched in the stomach.
Don't you dare even think about raping Metal Slug with this kind of an art style..
Please. I think it's kind of neat. Stop being dramatic. And if anyone out there thinks Metal Slug couldn't go for a revamping in graphics, you're truly dilusional.
If its going for a similar change as in THIS, then ofcourse we are going to be dramatic. Metal Slag is all about dirty looks. Make it clean and crisp and it will look like a totally different game...for the worse
Hardly. If it retained it's two dimensional side scrolling value, it could be phenomenal. I'm not saying make the game 3D, but I hardly enjoy playing a game where the characters look like Tetris blocks.
I am not referring to 3D. As I said Metal Slug has followed a "dirty" look in its style. Take that out and it wont be the same game.
Will the game have an original mode?
"Dirty" meaning "extremely pixellated", then sure.
Sign me up. The art is improved, and I'd like to see the same with MS as well. If you can turn it off like you apparently can with this title, everyone wins.
Now this is why I support XBLA over just dumping a rom into an eumlator. More classic games should recieve this treatment. Definitely be picking this up.
Please. I think it's kind of neat. Stop being dramatic. And if anyone out there thinks Metal Slug couldn't go for a revamping in graphics, you're truly dilusional.
Horrible! - it lost implied detail. A mix of the two might provide better results depending on the graphic.
From some of the graphics though it does not look like a simple algorithm though. Look at the barrel in these shots:
roms just dumped in an emulator look much like this (expect for the changed art), you have to use a scaling method such as "HQ 3x" (available in ZSNES and Nestopia). The NES version of Double Dragon 2 looks cool that way. (also, double dragon 2 is great while 1 and 3 are shit. well, at least on NES. Is that an arcade version here?)
Don't you dare even think about raping Metal Slug with this kind of an art style..