Double Dragon Gets A New Look For XBLA

The smoothing actually makes the game look a little weird. Plus, the GBA remake is actually surprior to the original. Is this the original or is it a port of the GBA version?
The smoothing actually makes the game look a little weird. Plus, the GBA remake is actually surprior to the original. Is this the original or is it a port of the GBA version?

I thought that too. The new art looks like a almost completely changed art style on the characters. Looks kind of funny -- the benefit of higher res art is almost outweighed by the changed art style.

I would say overall, it's a positive, since the original art isn't all that fantastic and an upgrade of any sort, resolution wise, is probably for the better.

When is this being released?
The up rezzed screens look weird... where does the art come from?

My guess: they ran one of the "smart resampling" algorithms like 2xSAI on the art, then manually redid everything that came out weird (e.g. humans) while leaving as much as possible unchanged (e.g. the pavement looks very 2xSAI-ish to me).
My eyeeeess... That looks just plain awful! Definitely some automated scaling going on, but WHY!?
Oh, I thought she was about to "perform" some "acts" on the guy standing over her... :p


Uh, anyway, like other XBL arcade games, you can switch on and off the enhanced graphics. I kinda like the new stuff, and I really want to play the game.

While I am not a graphic expert the "high def" graphic lost its magic and the most important part, it lost DEPTH! Everything looks just too flat! :???:
I don't understand this comment. It's the exact same art. Just not as pixelated as before. Double Dragon's art just hasn't aged well.

No, it would be the "exact same art" if they had sampled the original art from a higher definition source such as a drawing on a paper. The original art was created pixel for pixel to what was seen in the original game.
I don't understand this comment. It's the exact same art. Just not as pixelated as before. Double Dragon's art just hasn't aged well.

I don't think the art is the same at all.

Now that people have mentioned it, it definitely looks like one of those smart resampling methods. The backgrounds seem to be fine and not much bad can be said about them (outside the resampled look).

The character models, however, look like a completely different art style. It's like when two different artists draw the same thing -- you get different results, even though the thing drawn is very similar. Smart resampling + different artists (for correcting some stuff) = new DD art.

I'm okay with it, it isn't my favorite game art I've seen, but it could be worse! I like that they will apparently give the option to turn it off, but I really like that they at least tried something to improve the old game.

I think it's also a matter of the changed style (slightly) is kind of shocking when you're expecting to see the old DD look. If an original title came out looking like that (XBLA/PSN style game), then I don't think you'd hear much outcry about it -- I think a lot of people would actually like it.