Display help


I just installed a new HD(40GB) in my dell latitude cpx laptop. since i cant fnd my win2k disc i had to install win98. everyting when fine untill after the installation. my dispay isnt working right. its set to 640*480 and 16 colors. for some odd reason i cant up any of those settins at all anymore. so now i have a large black border around the monitor and a very smal viewing area. anyone know whats going on? i really need to get this latop up and running again.
I'd guess that you have a generic viddy driver installed and that you'll have to see if you can find/download a 98 driver for whatever video card your laptop has.
hmm how about no sound? do i have to install sound drivers also? cause under multimedia in the contol panel folder it tells me i have no playback device. any help would be greatful :D