Hello, I am using D2D1_1 api over Direct3D11_x. I am using win32 api. I can print any character from keyboard (EN, RU, ...other) on MessageBox. That works well with standard lantin characters "abcdef…@+?!123" However, when it comes to RU characters on direct2D drawing my program throw following error:
I normally print it like this in MessageBox:
RESULT CALLBACK SystemClass::MessageHandler(HWND hwnd, UINT umsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
switch (umsg)
case WM_CHAR:
wchar_t text2 = LOWORD(wparam); //GETS pressed characters
MessageBox(hwnd, &text2, L"test", MB_OK);
Is that possible to render characters from different language packs on Direct2D or what should I do ?
I normally print it like this in MessageBox:
RESULT CALLBACK SystemClass::MessageHandler(HWND hwnd, UINT umsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
switch (umsg)
case WM_CHAR:
wchar_t text2 = LOWORD(wparam); //GETS pressed characters
MessageBox(hwnd, &text2, L"test", MB_OK);
Is that possible to render characters from different language packs on Direct2D or what should I do ?