When it comes to performance, we've added two modes. On the one hand, one that is native 4K at 30 FPS , a mode that is impressive to the eye: all active, lights for all ties, shadows, tessellation… it is magnificent. On the other hand, what we have called the performance mode, which is dynamic 4K at 60 FPS . This is the one that we think is aimed at the majority of players because it is more fluid; you have a better response in control.
Another word we've heard hundreds of times is ray tracing . Are we going to notice it so much? Lighting is a key element in Demon's Souls .
Indeed, one of the novelties is advanced lighting, now you will see more realistically when lightning hits a tree and sets it on fire. That is brand new and never existed in the original. Now we can do it because we have all that power with PS5. It's great.
Demon's Souls for PlayStation 3 is an incredibly dark game. What we have done is, after evaluating the power of the PlayStation 5, we realize that we no longer had to activate or deactivate any light source, but we have been able to include light in real time thanks to advanced lighting techniques. So every aspect of the game lighting is in real time. It is dynamic.
Machine-translatedWhen it comes to teams, we are actually very small compared to some of the studios out there today. At SIE Japan Studio we have been just 25 people ; at Austin [ Bluepoint Games ] we had another 65 or 70 people
, both journalists are confused