Currently reading/watching/playing

John Reynolds

Ecce homo
Just picked up the new David Gemmell paperback, White Wolf. I don't know what it is about Gemmell's stuff but I always drop what I'm reading when one of his books are published. Was plowing through Rutherford's London before. Also been staring at my hardcover set of Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire here lately, something I will read before I die.

Wife and I just finished up the Firefly DVD set and loved it. Probably the best TV produced sci-fi I've watched in over a decade. Trying to get her to watch Band of Brothers with me next, the HBO WW2 mini-series, but it's too intense for her.

Finished up Thief Gold last weekend and currently on the 13th mission in Thief 2. Getting ready for Thief: Deadly Shadows, due around May; here's hoping it doesn't run bring my system to its knees like Invisible War did.
John Reynolds said:
Wife and I just finished up the Firefly DVD set and loved it. Probably the best TV produced sci-fi I've watched in over a decade.
:oops: In a decade? More like in 2 decades!! I now just put the dvd and listen to it. Dont have to see it, hearing the dialogue is better than any episode from tv today.

Err...*cough* David Gemmel is a pulp hack, like Salvatore. Or at least thats what I thought after reading a series of his books on a business trip.

I'm patiently awaiting the next George R R Martin book, supposedly out in April.

Other than that, I read "Me speak pretty one day" or something like that. Was sort of a memoir of the "This american life" host on NPR. Some of it was laugh out loud funny, other parts too wierd to repeat in public company.
RussSchultz said:
Err...*cough* David Gemmell is a pulp hack, like Salvatore. Or at least thats what I thought after reading a series of his books on a business trip.

Oh, absolutely. But it's good swords 'n sorcery stuff, light, easy reading that's a comic book equivalent for me now as a supposed adult. He's a slightly better writer than Salvatore, though.

Martin should be finishing A Feast for Crows here in the next month or two, so hopefully it'll be in print before year's end.