I might, if I don't have to suffer the bullsht commercials at every bloody startup, and that cursed flickering...although from reading posts in this thread about gameplay I don't think the game sounds very fun, and also too radical a departure from the previous formula to be considered a crysis game.Does this mean you're going to reinstall?
Free-range gameplay was their deal in the past, to be reduced to mission-running errand-boy feels like a huge left-hand turn for the worse. Add the console nerfs (no quicksave?! What the fuck!), flat bullet casings, static reflection maps, shit like that just doesn't make me feel very enthusiastic. The bugs and quirks in the game are just salt in the wounds really, we were promised a no-compromise PC game during the years of waiting and crytek just totally screwed us over in the end.
I'm feeling fairly pissed off, and if I'd known beforehand the game would have been so consolified as it is I never would have placed my pre-order and instead waited for the inevitable sales drive on steam.
Anyway, thanks for the info, I'll check into it if/when I re-download the game again (only takes like half a day on my current connection, ugh.)
You mean it's not triplebuffering out of the box, what the bleeding eff? Are they completely incompetent over there at crytek or what?Definitely do the radeonpro bioshock profile with forced triple-buffering.