Confused with aniso performance hit!!!


Reading Anands review I saw a 38% performance hit with 16x aniso in UT2003 reading Beyond3ds Max Paune had about 15% and finally at Hothardware aniso hit in quake3 was almost 0%!!!!So what is going on here!!! :-?
Hey,Openglguy is this one of your driver bugs? :LOL:
Hey hax it was only a joke!!!
Reverant I've seen the same game(quake3)with same aniso level and monitor rez with big performance hit in one site and almost 0% in others.Can you explain that? ;)
As for different games having different % hits I don't know, I'm no expect thus my asking about it!!!
Prometheus said:
Reading Anands review I saw a 38% performance hit with 16x aniso in UT2003 reading Beyond3ds Max Paune had about 15% and finally at Hothardware aniso hit in quake3 was almost 0%!!!!So what is going on here!!! :-?
Hey,Openglguy is this one of your driver bugs? :LOL:
It all depends on where the bottleneck is. If the CPU is the bottleneck, then anisotropic filtering will be "free". If the video card is the bottleneck, then it will probably cost you some performance.

Quake 3 runs so darn fast (despite hax's work on the OpenGL driver ;)) that it's likely you wouldn't notice the hit from aniso.
A lot is down to the adaptive algorithm where it avoids taking samples if they aren't needed. In a multitexture situation like Q3 where one of the textures rarely needs lots of samples it helps a lot.

Also, if you consider the degree of anisotropy across a typical scene, the parts with highest anisotropy cover relatively small screen areas. You can see this if you compare the performance difference between 8X and 16X aniso; it's very small, because when 16X is used its only on areas nearly edge-on to the camera.

I don't think the video memory usage has anything significant to do with it.
Wowser did you all notice that we have a few more ATI people on the boards as of late... Cool eh?
Doomtrooper said:
Yes...someone needs to dispel the constant drivel that rolls through the forums, here being no exception.

Actually, comments like that do nothing but cause more arguments and friction.
I am glad you folks are hear as its great to hear it from the people in the now from time to time. Now when you have a minute are we every gonna to fix the flashing texture issues on AVP2 (and the new AVP2:primal Hunt) when alpha textures are used? Last night I out of the corner of my eye I saw the texture change from normal to all black-white...mistook it as being alien movement fired the last rounds of my pulse gun only to not hear the real alien closing in on me. Dam aliens :)
jb said:
Now when you have a minute are we every gonna to fix the flashing texture issues on AVP2 (and the new AVP2:primal Hunt) when alpha textures are used? Last night I out of the corner of my eye I saw the texture change from normal to all black-white...mistook it as being alien movement fired the last rounds of my pulse gun only to not hear the real alien closing in on me. Dam aliens :)
Weird, haven't heard of that problem... Is that on a 9700?
OpenGL guy said:
jb said:
Now when you have a minute are we every gonna to fix the flashing texture issues on AVP2 (and the new AVP2:primal Hunt) when alpha textures are used? Last night I out of the corner of my eye I saw the texture change from normal to all black-white...mistook it as being alien movement fired the last rounds of my pulse gun only to not hear the real alien closing in on me. Dam aliens :)
Weird, haven't heard of that problem... Is that on a 9700?

I think JB is bemoaning multi-sampling's inability to AA alpha textures.

this has been an age old problem with the 8500. Dpending on the viewing angle the alpha textures will go all white/black from their normal collor. Only shows up in AVP regaurd less of the settings of AF or AA. Let me double check as I am one driver rev behind. I heard about it a long time ago but never saw it. For my and my system it just showed up one or two driver revs ago. Its not a big deal. Just in those stressfull moments my eyes were already playing tricks on me and I did not need help from a minor driver bug as I had bug problems of my own.
No problem this is not the place for it...but I found the fix searching the forums is to get the tuner

Turn OFF Heirarchial Z
Turn OFF Z Mask
and maybe
Trun ON Alternate Pixel Center

But its a huge eyesore:

These texture will flash off and on (right color vrs the wrong) depending on your movement and in a tense game like AVP that is a bad thing. I hear that NOLF also has this issues (makes sense as both are powered by LiTech engine). Once again folks sorry to bring this up (forgive me JR) but it has been a glaring issue for a while now. It would be nice if one of your ATI guys could forward it to someone that may be able to come up with a real fix. Thanks and sorry :(
Dio said:
I don't think the video memory usage has anything significant to do with it.
I am still curious if this algorithm ATi is using is anything like what the CroTeam developer was talking about. This is from alittle while ago in an interview with Rev.