Complete Blu-Ray/HD-DVD Movie List


I laugh at you! HA HA HA!
Link stolen from GAF. Its a list compiled from announcments. Its based on actual company support for each format. The highlighted selections are things that have been updated for 06 (probably from CES). Its good to see what exactly you'll be seeing.

Current count...

HD-DVD Total: 121

Blu-Ray Total: 161

Heres the Link:
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HD-DVD has a total of 200 movies coming out before the end of the year, so that has to be only exclusive titles.
I don't think that count is exclusives. There isn't even 280 individual titles even listed and some of those are TV shows.
That list is not accurate at all. Half of the Blu-Ray titles have never been announced for the format. The last Samurai, The Matrix, Harry Potter, Superman have all only been announced for HD-DVD. And the list has too many "expected for both formats".
A few Blu-ray studios haven't announced any titles yet. Wait before we call this "complete", yeah? ;)
Yeah, the list is probably based off assumptions that each company would release their catalogs (mixing that with openly claiming support for BluRay or HD-DVD). I'm not to sure myself if its right or not.
OK, lots of confusion evidently here.

Blu-ray is not done for CES announcements yet, first of all. Disney will be announcing. Warner may announce.

Even if Warner do not announce at CES, their titles are on display at the Blu-ray booth. That's where The last Samurai, The Matrix etc. is coming from. See this pic, there are a number of Warner movies, and Disney movies there too:

HD-DVD according to the official press release are expecting 150 titles by the holiday season, 50 by May. I think the 200 figure came from someone just adding them up, but 150 seems to be the total by around the end of the year.

The exclusive studio support is:

Universal for HD-DVD

Sony Pictures, 20th Century Fox, Lionsgate and Disney for Blu-ray

Warner and Paramount are supporting both.

edit - that linked to list is not comprehensive at all. The first two movies I looked up aren't there (flightplan and hero - terminator 3 isn't there either, nor crouching tiger). My CES thread has as many movies as I could find in the first post for both formats, although I have not included any warner or disney in the Blu-ray section yet.
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A big thanks to Warner and Paramount for supporting both formats and letting the consumer decide.

A big FU to both camps for being too arrogant to decide on a unified format and thus creating this mess.
RobertR1 said:
A big thanks to Warner and Paramount for supporting both formats and letting the consumer decide.

You want every Movie Publisher to release for both formats?...that would be worse....
BlueTsunami said:
You want every Movie Publisher to release for both formats?...that would be worse....

How so? That would be the biggest win for consumers, let the formats decide which is best on its merits.
Titanio said:
HD-DVD according to the official press release are expecting 150 titles by the holiday season, 50 by May. I think the 200 figure came from someone just adding them up, but 150 seems to be the total by around the end of the year.

" the companies backing HD DVD said that nearly 200 titles would be available for the format by the end of the year. "

Also, does anyone else think that Universal exclusivity is pretty huge?

That means no King-Kong on BR. No 40 year old virign either. Those are probably the 2 biggest movies out right now. Disney exclusivity is also huge, I wonder how long that will last though...also I don't see Disney being very important for the early adopter demographic.

Also, what's with HBO? Both formats?
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scooby_dooby said:
Also, does anyone else think that Universal exclusivity is pretty huge?
Not really. Well, not compared to SPHE, Fox, Disney etc.

And there are rumours abounding that Universal will announce Blu-ray support soon.
AlphaWolf said:
How so? That would be the biggest win for consumers, let the formats decide which is best on its merits.

Because you would have a bigger cluster f*** than having some companies focusing on one medium.

If HD-DVD had the majority of publiser support, I would want that to win (same for Blu Ray). In all honesty I would have prefered "one" format to have emerged after DVD. I just think having Movie publishers realeasing for both is a bad idea, just force one format and get it over with.
It would be nice if studios would support both formats, then HD-DVD would easily win based on it's lower pricepoint, we could move along and put this whole thing behnd us.

The whole movie exclusivity thing is just trying to force the consumer decision, rather than letting the natural factors like price/features/usabilitiy determine the winner.
BlueTsunami said:
Because you would have a bigger cluster f*** than having some companies focusing on one medium.

If HD-DVD had the majority of publiser support, I would want that to win (same for Blu Ray). In all honesty I would have prefered "one" format to have emerged after DVD. I just think having Movie publishers realeasing for both is a bad idea, just force one format and get it over with.

I don't doubt that is a common feeling, one format would be better than two. But suggesting that its better if half the movies are available on one format and half on the the other would totally suck for all consumers, you'd have the choice of having two players or only access to half the movies.
BlueTsunami said:
Because you would have a bigger cluster f*** than having some companies focusing on one medium.

If HD-DVD had the majority of publiser support, I would want that to win (same for Blu Ray). In all honesty I would have prefered "one" format to have emerged after DVD. I just think having Movie publishers realeasing for both is a bad idea, just force one format and get it over with.

Well, this is one of the first "competition == bad" opinions I've seen in quite a while.

By the way, who gets to decide and enforce a single format?

The RIAA and the MPAA? A larger world-wide legislative body? (As if one exists...)

Your sentiments seem rather utopian.
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I think the single biggest exclusive (save maybe from the Sony/Columbia/MGM block) was Warner. That was a big big one. But that's kind of been neutralized. I mean I still think they favor HD-DVD honestly, but hey if they're releasing Blu-ray movies they're releasing blu-ray movies.

Paramount doesn't mean all that much to me, and neither does Universal - but of course both studios have the movie here and there that I'd be interested in.

Also - what is up with HBO?

And has the porn industry decided on one of these yet? ;)
AlphaWolf said:
I don't doubt that is a common feeling, one format would be better than two. But suggesting that its better if half the movies are available on one format and half on the the other would totally suck for all consumers, you'd have the choice of having two players or only access to half the movies.

I can see the whole thing about consumers choosing but I think publishers need to take this whole situation by the balls and work it out. I see publishers releasing exclusives as doing this.

The scenario where the "consumer" gets to choose will have the consumers choosing the losing disk up the creek. Why? They may be able to buy cheap players years down the line but they still have a back catalog of disks that will only work with a player that is considered and won't be seeing movie releases for it.

In that scenario, the consumer would probably have to rebuy that catalog of movies or keep the player hooked up so they can watch the movies they bought and won't work with the other player.
scooby_dooby said:
" the companies backing HD DVD said that nearly 200 titles would be available for the format by the end of the year. "

The original press release from the HD-DVD group says 150 by the holidays. are the ones I was referring to earlier, whom I think added the 50 by May to the 150 by the holidays. The 150 wasn't 150 more, but 150 total.

scooby_dooby said:
Also, does anyone else think that Universal exclusivity is pretty huge?

That means no King-Kong on BR. No 40 year old virign either.

Persistant rumour has it Universal will be announcing Blu-ray support, later if not sooner. I think they may wait till later in the Spring if they're going to do so, to give HD-DVD some breathing room. There are many many more Blu-ray exclusives than HD-DVD, how important you rate them is a matter of taste.

scooby_dooby said:
It would be nice if studios would support both formats, then HD-DVD would easily win based on it's lower pricepoint

What lower pricepoint? PS3, again, isn't likely to be more than $500! If you want a standard, you have two choices. Support Blu-ray and, wait for Universal support, or support HD-DVD and wait for - Disney support, 20th Century Fox support, Lionsgate support, Sony support (!). There's a path of least resistance there.