Inaba here.
It seems like we’ve caused a bit of a fuss.
Regarding what’s to become of Clover Studio, it’s exactly as Capcom announced on its site yesterday.
I’d like to give my thanks to all the people who have graciously given their support to Viewtiful Joe, Okami, GOD HAND and Clover Studio. It was all too brief, but you truly have our thanks. And to all of the people who have voiced their shock and disappointment at this announcement, we offer our sincere apologies.
Almost every day, I have looked over all of the emails of support and encouragement sent to our webmaster, and felt for myself the affection you have shown for our company and our works. And every day I reminded myself of the importance of remaining directly connected to the feelings of our audience. This basic principle is something that I don’t want to ever lose sight of, even now.
To all our supporters, it looks like we’ll have to end things on a sad note, but that principle is something we will never lose sight of, something that we will carry with us in our hearts. There is more that I’d like to write, more that I think I need to tell you, but there would be some complications were I to speak out here and now.
This "Okami Blog" is a place where we have posted information relating to Okami, and as such it will be left as it is, occasionally updated whenever there’s something to report.
So now what?
…I’d like to create a new blog (or something similar to one) and write more on that matter bit by bit. So we’re going to have to set things up first, but I will let you in on the details in some manner or another, so please wait just a bit longer.
Well then.
About those "Okami Good Luck Charms" that sold out so quickly and so few of you could get a hold of: a resale has been confirmed!They are scheduled to go on sale mid-November at e-capcom (Capcom’s online shop), but preorders have started today, so everyone who wants to make sure they get one, be sure to make your reservation!
Okay, be seeing you!