Cel shading...nice








Definitely getting this game 8)
All three machine setups are pretty good for Cell shading, no? GC shows off with Celda, Xbox with JSRF, and PS2 with AutoModelista..
I hate when people make a post in a thread with some cool-looking shots just to complain, but I HAVE to say that no (proper) shadows makes it look as if characters float above the floor. Yuck.

Sorry guys, hehe. The game does look nice apart from that though. Just make some proper shadows and it will rock. :)

zurich said:
All three machine setups are pretty good for Cell shading, no? GC shows off with Celda, Xbox with JSRF, and PS2 with AutoModelista..

heheheh funny.... it went from a spectacular game (Celda) to a less spectacular game (JSR) to a pretty crappy one....

i think when it comes to cell chading all 3 consoles are pretty much on par, since PS2's texture "issues" are pretty much hidden by the fact that textures are used sporadically and the ones that get used do not need to be photorealistic or anything near it...

actually, PS2 might even come out shining since it throws around non-textured polygons like nothing...
i'm pretty confident they'll sort the shadows out before release....

still... wasnt this (bloody annoying i must say) franchise DEAD years ago?

i mean, i was a kid when it came out and i hated it wholeheartedly...
They have a new cartoon that is currently doing extremely well on Fox. Better than any of their other cartoons.

And truthfully its pretty good.

Much better than the all camp original cartoon.