Catalyst Control Center - Outputting to an HDTV


Just wondering, if I set CCC to output to my tv at a 720p resolution, but then I select a different resolution in a game, say 1920x1080 or some other res higher than 720p, will the resulting image then be scaled down to 720p, or will the CCC settings be overridden and the output raised to 1080i?

I have a CRT HDTV, and it come close to resolving the detail of 1080i, actually it can't even do 720p well. Because of that and the small text, 1080i is unusable as a desktop resolution. However, I was wondering if games might receive a visual benefit from running at 1080i. It is a higher resolution after all, even if the tv can't fully resolve it. Plus, the tv scales everything to 1080i anyway, so outputting 1080i directly might avoid scaling degradation. 1080i is also lower bandwidth than 720p, and since I'm using the cheapest cables I could find (50ft component cable for about $17), that might have an impact. The only downside would be the impact on my video card, but I've got an x1950xt 256MB, which should be fine at that res for most games, especially if I keep MSAA off.
It won't be scaled down, but rather output 1080i. As for looking better, maybe not with those long cheap cables, but with shorter good ones it will.