"Don't you hate it when your game looks like someone smeared Vaseline on your pupil
Are you feed up with the onslaught of Post-processing anti-aliasing methods with its funcky blur
Do you want to enable Multi-sample Anti-aliasing and supersample Anti-aliasing on games that do not support it in-game or via CCC without doing the jiggery pokery of downsampling techniques?
Does the game use a deferred rendering engine?
Read on"
Big SHOUTOUT to Mr.Lolman at 3dCentre
This works so far on Diablo 3, Timeshift, Trine 1/2 (funcky white lines), Rochard, DMC, Borderlands 2, Mafia 2
Get MSAA on AMD cards using the following technique on lords of shadows (This can be apply to other games)
1. Go to the linkage (translate if you need to) and download the AA_CAP.msi.
2. Download RadiT 0.4 and extract to a directory of your choice
3. Instal AA_CAP.msi and restart the computer
4. Use CCC or prefreably Radeonpro and set your desired AA profile for your game. I have Lords of Shadow set to 4xEQ. I have tested it with 4x Supersampling and it works as well
5. Open Radit 0.4
6. Click on New and surf to the directory where the games exe file is situated. In the case of Lords of Shadows it is (for me) D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\CastlevaniaLoS\bin
7. Select Profile CFAACaps - 2008F or CFAACaps - 2008A
8. Click Done
9. Open RadiT again and click on Lords of Shadows profile to confirm it is on Cap and then close
10 Start game and enjoy AA without the funcky blur
Are you feed up with the onslaught of Post-processing anti-aliasing methods with its funcky blur
Do you want to enable Multi-sample Anti-aliasing and supersample Anti-aliasing on games that do not support it in-game or via CCC without doing the jiggery pokery of downsampling techniques?
Does the game use a deferred rendering engine?
Read on"
Big SHOUTOUT to Mr.Lolman at 3dCentre
This works so far on Diablo 3, Timeshift, Trine 1/2 (funcky white lines), Rochard, DMC, Borderlands 2, Mafia 2
Get MSAA on AMD cards using the following technique on lords of shadows (This can be apply to other games)
1. Go to the linkage (translate if you need to) and download the AA_CAP.msi.
2. Download RadiT 0.4 and extract to a directory of your choice
3. Instal AA_CAP.msi and restart the computer
4. Use CCC or prefreably Radeonpro and set your desired AA profile for your game. I have Lords of Shadow set to 4xEQ. I have tested it with 4x Supersampling and it works as well
5. Open Radit 0.4
6. Click on New and surf to the directory where the games exe file is situated. In the case of Lords of Shadows it is (for me) D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\CastlevaniaLoS\bin
7. Select Profile CFAACaps - 2008F or CFAACaps - 2008A
8. Click Done
9. Open RadiT again and click on Lords of Shadows profile to confirm it is on Cap and then close
10 Start game and enjoy AA without the funcky blur
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