Captain america is dead


He first appeared in March 1941, punching out Adolf Hitler on the cover of a brand-new comic book. Ever since then, attired in a red, white , and blue uniform and armed only with a shield, he fought for liberty and justice, not unlike that guy with the cape.

But Captain America is no more.

When fans yesterday opened the comic book that bears his name, they discovered a shocking development: Captain America had been cut down by a sniper . His sudden death prompted a run on comic-book stores by fans hoping to snap up a potential collector's item -- and also triggered considerable consternation among some devotees of the stout-hearted superhero.

Well that is too bad...weird but I suppose...
In typical Marvel fashion it'll be revealed in 4-5 months that it was a clone that got sniped, not the real Steve Rodgers.

First Dumbledore, now Cap. My inner geek weeps.
What annoyed me about the coverage was no acknowldgement that he's been "dead" before. . . .
Even if it weren't a clone that got shot, since when has real death stopped anybody (important) in comics?

I guess the real determining factor is how big the franchise is. Pretty much any potentially permanent death can be vetoed by the Bean-Counters From Beyond (TM).
So therefore it's a stunt to bring attention to Captain America and thus boost interest in the movie?
This was come up with by Ed Brubaker by himself. He's a good writer(best writer in comics today imo). I wouldn't notch this down to just a gimmick since it's coming from him. He wanted to explore this kind of storyline with Cap. Here's an interview he did about the death of Cap.