Capri new GT4 track pics inside




Thnks for the info! :D Although not much "news", a very interesting read. But where is page 31?? I really do hope that we will be able to download adittional new cars and tracks to the harddrive.
any actual in game shots . I am interested in seeing what it looks like when i play the game
looks very nice indeed! :) I am glad that they are bringing in more interesting tracks - should be good fun and challenging racing narrow tracks!

jvd: I posted a 30 sec video in the other GT4 thread which should be good indication of how the game looks. I can tell you that GT4 is a major steap above GT3 in terms of texturing. The only thing I haven't made up my mind about is the shimmering.
Phil said:
jvd: I posted a 30 sec video in the other GT4 thread which should be good indication of how the game looks. I can tell you that GT4 is a major steap above GT3 in terms of texturing. The only thing I haven't made up my mind about is the shimmering.

One thing i noticed about GT3 and shimmering is that it depends a lot on what TV u're using. On certain TVs it looks absolutely horrible, on some others (mainly 100Hz or pro-scan TVs that tweak the interlaced image to make it more stable) it looks deecnt enough not to care. And the funny thing is that the shimmering on GT3 and many other games is MUCH more evident on Sony TVs, especially the ones they use in the shops blue booth thing. You know which ones...
Guess it will be the same for GT4.
london-boy said:
One thing i noticed about GT3 and shimmering is that it depends a lot on what TV u're using. On certain TVs it looks absolutely horrible, on some others (mainly 100Hz or pro-scan TVs that tweak the interlaced image to make it more stable) it looks deecnt enough not to care. And the funny thing is that the shimmering on GT3 and many other games is MUCH more evident on Sony TVs, especially the ones they use in the shops blue booth thing. You know which ones...
Guess it will be the same for GT4.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I actually stated the same thing in the thread where I posted the video... always seemed to me those Sony displays are amazingly bad with shimmering. I noticed this especially after playing Jak & Daxter on my tv at home with hardly any noticable shimmering at all, but was floored by the amount evident when seeing it running at the stores.