buy this girl for the weekend on ebay

Hell, I'm tempted to bid on basement really needs cleaning and then she could pick up all the dogshit in my backyard for me. :)
Not with those robot laser-beam eyes, I'm not going near her. She's an android or something, she'd probably go mad and eat the microwave or some such.
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i emailed her this question before:

dear peapie25,

hi there, is that your foto? what are you willing to do in the weekend you spend with me. i willing to pay upto 5000$ do you do *n*l?

hehe, i waiting for her reply :p
Eeek! I know you're just having a laugh but I hope the law wouldn't allow you to be entrapped in case they were trying to get people to solicit for purposes of prostitution.

Edit: That's way to far-fetched, sorry.
beh, i'm not american i can email her whatever i want
and prostitittion is legal here also .
but anyway
it was meant as a joke to see what her reaction and motivation for this auction was