Busted Bars Suing Underage Drinkers

Regarding european study and the effects of alcohol I have found this:

Effects of Minimum Drinking Age Laws: Review and Analysis of the Literature from 1960 to 2000

Page 220
Issue 3

Issue: "Europeans teen are allowed to drink from an early age, yet those countries don't have the alcohol-related problems we do. What we need are fewer restriction, not more.

Responce: "The idea that Europeans do not have alcohol-related problems is a myth. European youth may be at less risk of traffic crashes because youth drive less frequently in Europ than in the United States. Europeans have higher legal driving ages, more expensive automobiles and greater access to public transportation. Looking beyond traffic crashes, however, European countries have similar or higher rates of alcohol-related problems than compared with the United States. For example, in 1990, France and Italy had higher per capita alcohol consumption and higher rates of cirrhosis deaths than the United States. Per capita consumption in France and Italy was 12.7 and 8.7 liters of alcohol, respectively, compared with 7.5 in the United States. Corrhosis death rates in France and Italy were 26.8 and 17.0 per 100,000, respectively, whereas the U.S. rate was 11.6 (Edwards et al., 1994). European countries are now looking to the United States for research and experience regarding the age-21 policy. Europeans are initiating the debate on the most appropriate age for legal access to alcohol.

Uhm, I used to sell booze at a liquour store and I slung it for a while as a bartender ("No Dig really, you?" :rolleyes: ) and in Indiana as I recall if someone used a fake ID to get booze it was the person using the fake ID who got in trouble and the person dispensing the booze was not charged since they had done their job. (So long as it was a good fake ID.)

I never had a problem, but I was a real prick about carding people too. (Hey, it was my own arse I was protecting! :p )

Cool, Indiana. Where might I ask? I grew up in Muncie, then moved to Anderson, then later to Indy.

Dr. Ffreeze

PS. That always made since to me. If you did your job and carded, and they had a good fake, then you should not be held accountable. =)
Dr. Ffreeze said:

Cool, Indiana. Where might I ask? I grew up in Muncie, then moved to Anderson, then later to Indy.

Dr. Ffreeze

PS. That always made since to me. If you did your job and carded, and they had a good fake, then you should not be held accountable. =)
I grew up in Munster, I've been living in Highland the last 8-9 years. (Upper-left hand corner of Indiana, right on the Illinois border.)