Built a new computer!


Entirely out of scrap bits over the last couple of days and I'm actually really, really liking the results! :D

It's an upgrade for my son's box. He's got a PIII800/512MB/5900 and the CPU just ain't enough for the card, so I spent Wenesday taking my old PC case, cleaning it up, getting all the stickers off, painting it flat black (the only paint I had in my garage), cutting some holes for some pretty LED fans I picked up at 2cooltek.com's going out of business sale, and tossing my old K7N2-L w/Barton 2500+, 512MB PC3200, Fortissimo II, and my 80Gb WD w/8Mb cache in it and the damned thing is running pretty damned well! :D

I still ain't done tweaking it in yet, then I still have to pull his HD & 5900 to toss into this one and get it all set-up; but the hard part is over and I'm pretty disgustingly pleased with the results. :)
anaqer said:
Glad for you, now bring on TEH PICCIES! :D
Gonna take a bit. I finally got the batteries for my camera, but my FTP access rights over at EB are all hosed so I can't upload anything.

I'm a man without a webspace, and I hate it. :(

On the brightside I did just get all the drivers installed on the rig and she scored a 17,529 on 3dm2k1se, is looking good. 8) (I got my X800 pro in her for now until I'm ready to make the switch over since it was just sitting on the shelf)