digitalwanderer said:
Black Adder, Faulty Towers, & Red Dwarf I already got....also Young Ones, Bits of Fry and Laurie (EXCELLENT!!!!), and a few others I can't recall right now.
You should get your hands on Coupling, a couple of qoutes from coupling (to get the idea of the kind of humor):
If I don’t like a woman, if there’s no chemistry, if I’m not attracted to her, then I don’t lead her on, I just get out of there... every time, before she even wakes up.
I like films with lesbians in them because it’s nice to think there are attractive women out there who can’t find a boyfriend.
I need breasts with brains. I don’t mean individual brains, obviously... I mean, not a brain each. You know, I like intelligent women, but you’ve got to draw the line somewhere... I think breast brains would be over-egging the woman pudding.
Steve: Jeff, Jeff, I know about the giggle loop, the sock gap, the nudity buffer, and what you said to Audrey Watkins. Believe me, there is nothing you can possibly say that will surprise me. What’s gone wrong this time?
Jeff: I’ve got too many legs.
I really thought I’d gone to his house, you know, to heal our spiritual divide. But it turns out I was just gagging for a shag. Those two are so similar.
Vegetarianism for me is about saying ‘yes’ to things - even meat.
Friendship’s more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
And the incredible thing is that the characters stays believeble.