Graham, I'm surprised to hear that, and like you said, each to his own. I been playing Tribes 2 online for about 3 to 4 years now, and was really looking forward to a good sequel, and like you said, the small maps, among a number of other things really ticked me off. I really liked the single player demo, but it was the multiplayer demo that killed it for me, and the reason why I did not buy the full game. I thought the Unreal engine was a step in the right direction also, but I guess the implementation to make it more a Unreal mod oriented shoot-em-up that ticked off the main hardcore T2 players. Anyway, we still have T2, which I play on a regular bases. Here's hoping for a good sequel one day.
Never played the original System Shock 2, but I have heard good things about it. Hopefully Irrational does not let that fan base down.
I think in someways it's a mistake they are still using the same Unreal engine, and wish they would upgrade to the present one, as even with their modifications, I have hard time believing it is superior, but I guess they are trying to leaverage the cost and effort they put in the older engine.
I notice Irrational has two development teams, the Australian one, and the one in Boston. The Australian one did Tribes Vengeance, and wonder which team is doing the new Bioshock?