BIOSHOCK New screens (X360) from Game Informer.


The new Game Informer Magazine has a world exclusive preview with screenshots from the xbox360 version of the game.
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This game is going to be one hell of a ride, I can tell. That 50s look to the environments gave me Fallout chills.

Slightly miffed at the shadow map resolution though. It will likely improve (I hope).

Thanks for the heads-up.
It seems very nice from the feature list and the art is amazing, BTW it is using any know engine or a in house one?
@ czeckon from what i read its an action adventure at first person perspective.

@ pc999 I dont know what engine is using , i hope someone more well informed can tell us .

I make copy-paste all the known informations for the game.

- Core gameplay centered on player choice and customization

- Game takes place in the early 60s

- Developer's main goal is total immersion in the story

- You wake up in the ocean surrounded by debris and your first goal is survival

- Something about creatures in the ocean discovered by scientists

- "We're creating a world for to be in. What you do is up to you, and you have to live with your choices."

- One of your skills is agility and it makes you run faster

- Most upgrades will affect weapons

- You can create weapons and items

- You can hack stuff by being an engineer

- A walkthrough is useless - you take the game where you want it to go (Sounds really open ended)

- BioShock holds many mysteries

- Xbox 360 and PC - O N L Y"

Those screens are taken from the current building of the game (50%) .
So i think that we have to wait until E3 to learn more and see some footage .
For myself System shock was THE best pc game ever (well, next to splinter cell) so I have high anticipation for this one. It wont`t be just horror and blood, these devs know how to put AI together.
pc999 said:
It seems very nice from the feature list and the art is amazing, BTW it is using any know engine or a in house one?

They use a upgraded Unreal 2 engine afaik.
I`m a big fan of System Shock 2, and it was a shame that Irrational`s console game The Lost never got released. So I really look forward to Bioshock.
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When is it due out? These shots are a little light on the polys but I really enjoyed SS2 so this is pretty high up on my list.
From their info page:
Developed by Irrational Games, the minds behind Freedom Force and System Shock 2.

Disavowing all claims of being the developers behind Tribes Vengence, which was their last game? I guess I also would want to forget a game that sold less than 30,000 world wide, and was largely rejected by the Tribes fan base that was dying for a good sequel, which included myself. Previous Tribes game, Tribes 2 sold about 10 times that amount. They even paid a fortune for the Unreal engine to use in that game, and even made heavy modifications to that engine. I guess this is a good example where the publisher took a major soaking. Any tears for the publisher, Vivendi Universal Games, since the other thread was crying for developers?

After that turkey Tribes Vengence, I'm wary of anything from Irrational Games.
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macabre said:
Tribes came out before Freedom Force.

Not the original Freedom Force, which came out March 26, 2002, but I see that they released a sequel called Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich March 8, 2005. Tribes Vengence came out October 5, 2004. My mistake in saying it was their last game.

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From what I've read bioshock is based off the Tribes Vengeance engine. Naturally heavily modified.

Disavowing all claims of being the developers behind Tribes Vengence, which was their last game? I guess I also would want to forget a game that sold less than 30,000 world wide

I've heard it sold ~50k copies in north america, but not sure on that. At the same time, the distribution was utterly pathetic. I had to buy my copy as an import from singapore.

Unfortunatly, the base of players isn't that big, but they are very dedicated. I can understand the hardcore players rejecting the simplified game mechanics (still just as deep, not as broard) and smaller maps of TV, however the upshot of this is the game has a lot more action and flow, and being unreal based simply feels better (imo).
Also the game had single player, which ironically may be to blame for it's lack of popularity online.

The point is, in my view the game was excellent, the most fun of the 3, just let down by shoddy publishing and an fanbase that wasn't quite ready to try something different. Had it not had the 'tribes' brand it probably would have been vastly more popular.

Each to their own opinion of course. Now if you'd excuse me, I have a spinfusor waiting for me.
Graham, I'm surprised to hear that, and like you said, each to his own. I been playing Tribes 2 online for about 3 to 4 years now, and was really looking forward to a good sequel, and like you said, the small maps, among a number of other things really ticked me off. I really liked the single player demo, but it was the multiplayer demo that killed it for me, and the reason why I did not buy the full game. I thought the Unreal engine was a step in the right direction also, but I guess the implementation to make it more a Unreal mod oriented shoot-em-up that ticked off the main hardcore T2 players. Anyway, we still have T2, which I play on a regular bases. Here's hoping for a good sequel one day.

Never played the original System Shock 2, but I have heard good things about it. Hopefully Irrational does not let that fan base down.

I think in someways it's a mistake they are still using the same Unreal engine, and wish they would upgrade to the present one, as even with their modifications, I have hard time believing it is superior, but I guess they are trying to leaverage the cost and effort they put in the older engine.

I notice Irrational has two development teams, the Australian one, and the one in Boston. The Australian one did Tribes Vengeance, and wonder which team is doing the new Bioshock?
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