Best and worse 3 games of all time


On all devices, consoles,arcade,PC

Avalon (1984)

The Settlers 2 (1997)

warlords battlecry 3 (2004)

honourable mentions: Archon, Stargate, Galaga, Mr Do, Knightlore


Pitfall (1982)

Beachhead (1983)

Ghostbusters (1984)

dishonourable mentions: Evil Dead (1984)
I feel like it's nearly impossible to narrow it down to 3 games from the myriad released over the last 3+ decades. Any criteria you prefer for your thread?
1. lou2 (2020)
2. baldurs gate 2 (2000)
3. heroes 3 (1999)
worst ? ;d infinity number but lets say with some budget, remember The Crow on Sega Saturn was barely playable, on ps4 probably life of black tiger tough I only know this infamous title from youtube
On all devices, consoles,arcade,PC

Avalon (1984)

The Settlers 2 (1997)

warlords battlecry 3 (2004)

honourable mentions: Archon, Stargate, Galaga, Mr Do, Knightlore


Pitfall (1982)

Beachhead (1983)

Ghostbusters (1984)

dishonourable mentions: Evil Dead (1984)
The fact that I vaguely remember these games makes me feel very, very old.
What makes a game good or bad? I seem to remember playing the crap out of pitfall on the Atari 2600 and Beachhead on C64...
Any criteria you prefer for your thread?
nah, sure theres so many genres, just pick 3 games, any good/bad shit left over goes in the almost rans

I can't take this list seriously when it grossly overlooks "ET (1982)".
Dude you never played it back then so why bring it up now?
because it is a cliche?
OK its a cliche, now take part or move along
FWIW that game wasnt even that bad, sure it was total shit, but man , back then so much was, it was just par for the course
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What makes a game good or bad? I seem to remember playing the crap out of pitfall on the Atari 2600 and Beachhead on C64...
true same here
on ps4 probably life of black tiger tough I only know this infamous title from youtube
OK sorry I should of said, only limit it to games you actually have played,and you know intimately (condom or not) thus no ET or life of black tiger
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Dude you never played it back then so why bring it up now?
because it is a cliche?
OK its a cliche, now take part or move along
FWIW that game wasnt even that bad, sure it was total shit, but man , back then so much was, it was just par for the course

I did own and play it back then. How dare you say I didn't.

Back then it was a bad game. That stupid pit where you could never get out of if you fell into it or it took way too many tries. It's a far worse game than all 3 games you listed.
Ok, I'll play, the best games I played and the worst games I played, purely subjective, based on joy or lack there of, I got from them.


1. On Court Tennis, C64
2. Epyx Games series, C64
3. Goal, Amiga

Honourable mentions KickOff 2,StuntCar Racer,Tricky Tower, Trash Panic, Critter Crunch, Football/Soccer (Atari 2600), Action Quake2


1. Red Dead Redemption 2, PS4
2. Battlefield 4, PS3 I think
3. Anarchy Online, PC

It was harder to think of games here, it ended up with being games I bought and chucked after less than an hour of playing. Heck Anarchy Online I bought a new PC to play, due to the hype.
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3. Anarchy Online, PC
Awww why the hate? It's still my most beloved MMO ever and where I met my wife. To this day there has never been any other MMO which has come close to the complexity of character build optimization in AO. To be fair though, the first 5 years or so were pretty terrible in AO.

It's still live as well. We know people whom have played it non-stop since 2001.
FWIW that game wasnt even that bad, sure it was total shit, but man , back then so much was, it was just par for the course
It's in my top 10 best Atari 2600 games list. And not in some ironic way, either. Most 2600 games were basic, single screen affairs that were the same every time. Lots of maze games and alien shooters that are just score attacks with no real plot or goal beyond "how many points can you get". If you had a game with multiple screens, like Pitfall!, you still had the same screens with the same enemy placement and items. E.T. has randomized placement for the phone pieces, the flower, and the icons for eating, calling the ship, and the landing zone along with all of the other functions. You can find the pieces in any order, and travel to the screens in any order, or never visit a screen if you did not want to. You had constantly decaying health, had to eat to recover it, there are fast travel points... It's basically the first open world survival game and it even has an end game.

If you read the manual and didn't play on the highest difficulty the game is enjoyable, and that's true for many games. Doesn't hold a candle to Kaboom!, though. Hopefully that's a franchise Microsoft resurrects now that they own Activision.

Back then it was a bad game. That stupid pit where you could never get out of if you fell into it or it took way too many tries. It's a far worse game than all 3 games you listed.
All you have to do is land on the ground and not have E.T.'s feet over the pit. Not only is this logical, it's in the manual under the "helpful hints" section.
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Never sure if these lists are supposed to take the quality of the game relative to the time it was released into account. My list will.

Unreal tournament 2004
Mario 64

Ghost Recon : Wildlands
Superman 64
"Worst" seems like an impossibly broad criteria to ever approach. Worst games I've played for a significant amount of time maybe? Either way nothing coming to mind, I would have to think about it a lot more?

It isn't like I havent played lots of games that weren't fun, in fact my whole gaming career I've found the hobby far more full of misses than hits. I'm similar with music, I like maybe 1/10 songs. Probably a similar ratio with video games that I actually enjoy being few and far between. In fact until Destiny I'd probably put quite a small amount of time actually playing games vs time discussing them on internet message boards.

Best, hmm more intriguing. Best 3 is pretty narrow. Might look something like (no order):

Final Fantasy 1: NES-Maybe never had as much fun as this, got it over Christmas break and just mainlined it with my brother over the next ten days til completion. The last good FF game IMO. After this they became movies not games. I remember my parents got it for me an wrapped it, but of course I snuck the manual out and exhaustively pored over it in anticipation and excitement. What childhood memories are made of.
Destiny 1/2 -Probably played these 100X more than any other game by now. At times after all this time can be boring and tedious. However surely for the first weeks was a life changing experience. The D1 orbit music on YT almost bring tears to my eyes.
Streetfighter 2 (various incarnations) Life altering as well. I never knew a video game could be so deep or about skill. Graphics and animation somehow more amazing for that time than the sum of their parts. And the arcade scene was a big part of it.

I guess that seems like a safe list?

Honorable mentions: Half Life (PC), Unreal Tournament (PC), Gauntlet (Arcade/NES) Ms Pac Man (Arcade), Metal Gear 1 (NES), Halo CE (Xbox), Mickey Castle of Illusion (Genesis), Kings Bounty (Genesis) Avengers (Arcade), Link to the Past (SNES), Mario Bros (NES)
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Destiny series
Simcity 4
Beat saber

Destiny series
Monster hunter series
Pokémon series

Monster hunter series simply bored me to death and feels clunky as heck. Pokémon series are super repetitive and the story didn't grip me at all

Destiny series.... If they release a private server, it will be simply the best. The constant change by the developer is a nightmare.

You like to play location x? Haha it's removed! You like to use gun Z? Too bad its shooting feeling got changed substantially, or got its level capped. Then after you deleted those weapons to free storage space, the developer removed the level caps...

You found a neat strategy that take advantage of in game gameplay and it got waaaaaay too popular and waaaay outside of the developer vision? It'll get patched out in days.

Nasty bugs annoys gameplay? It'll get patched in a few months or even years