Azureus question


I admit I haven't done my homework, ie I didn't search Google or read any FAQ's or check the Azureus forum, so please bear with me.

A while ago I discovered that whenever Azureus was running I'd get video corruption and problems with accelerated apps. For example, I'd open a vid file and the player window stays black, MAME runs horribly slow with a flickering display etc. Ctrl+Alt+Esc'ing usually fixes this though.

Could this ibe linked to Sun's Java runtime for some reason? I noticed the screen flickers after for a tiny moment after starting Azureus.

Meanwhile I've made the switch to microtorrent and I really like it but I'm still curious what could have caused this. Anyone else experienced this? Maybe with other Java based apps too?
Java had weird problems with antialiasing being forced in the 3D-card control panel applet for some totally bizarre reason. The jar didn't even have to use 3D, just starting one would cause the problem to trigger (in my case, a solid black screen on bootup since azureus and another jar was in my autostart folder.

Even now after they fixed that issue, my screen blinks black for about a frame whenever java loads/starts up. Stupid crappy Sun coding!

So if you want to solve the problem, run the java update thingy from your control panel, or turn off forced antialiasing...
Adding a new environmental variable, "J2D_D3D = false", worked for me. Cheers to Rys for the tip-off.
radeonic2 said:
um what and where :oops:

For more info, here's the source reference material.


    Intended use: To turn off the Java 2D system's use of Direct3D.
    Introduced: 1.4.1_02
    Equivalent environment variable: J2D_D3D
    How to use: On a small subset of Windows 2000 systems with buggy
    Direct3D drivers, the use of Direct3D can cause a system crash. To turn
    off the use of Direct3D, set this property to false:


    If problems persist, try setting the ddoffscreen property to false. If that
    doesn't solve the problems, try setting noddraw to true.
If I've had Azeurus running for a bit, I dont really do much else on the computer. I've had some weird lockups, etc. as a result.

I have over a gig of memory so wtf?