ATi Reports Third Quarter Results (Press Release)

isn't it late to re-evaluate? ;)

No wonder. But when someone writes that 6200, 6600 & 6600Gt rule the market, some people always say " but X800Xl is so good" .... :p
"Late Summer" for the R520 apparently. They even said "Fall" at one point.

One guy asked how they expect people to remain positive toward ATI when nVidia already has 7800, new SLI, and stuff all available right now while ATI is still struggling to get the R520 and Crossfire out. He actually sounded pissed.

At the end of his response I swear I heard Orton "hrmph!" at the guy :D
chavvdarrr said:
i see ... but you should wait 1-2 days for the price to fall, right? ;)
Its a blood bath right now. :) just how i like it. Time to start, if you wait too long youll miss out on the good deals.

There is no hurry. ATI has low chance to announce good news before late August now so i think the bad news are not all already priced.
Ratchet said:
"Late Summer" for the R520 apparently. They even said "Fall" at one point.

One guy asked how they expect people to remain positive toward ATI when nVidia already has 7800, new SLI, and stuff all available right now while ATI is still struggling to get the R520 and Crossfire out. He actually sounded pissed.

At the end of his response I swear I heard Orton "hrmph!" at the guy :D

That's one of the things that surprised me (it shouldn't have, but it did) when I started listening to these things. Pretty much the same players from time to time, they all know each other, and generally call each other by first name. There is the human element involved --and this management team materially failed on what they told these folks last time, and it has consequences. People like to think business is all entirely cold-blooded, but it isn't --personal relationships, trust, loss of trust, and rebuilding trust all play a role.
Anyone else having trouble registering for the Conference Call?

If I try using FireFox I get:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: 'oXmlNode'

/ir/EventRegistration.asp, line 182

And if when trying IE I get an HTTP 500 - Internal server error

Is this due to me not registering earlier or does there appear to be a problem with the server streaming the call?


Whats bad for them is the GTX is a Nice card with nice rounded features. Which will likely carry over to the entire line for this cycle.

They really need to get rolling. I bet there is some serious anxiety in there.

Which is to bad becuase they have a monster but kicking part on their hands. They just need to get it out the door.
Pretty interesting call actually. Things are not all doom and gloom there at ATI. It definitely sounds like they are starting to slowly gain marketshare for their chipsets. Desktop discrete is staying firm at this time, but they hinted that they won't be offered as a high end option on OEM systems. Sounds like they lost quite a few design wins at the high end for this Fall.

Consumer and TV products sound very strong as well.

Still, ATI should be refreshing their entire line with 90 nm products this fall. Hopefully ATI will be able to execute on these. It sounds like they have a handle on R520, but it doesn't seem like that happened until recently.

I can't wait to see what the R520 really is though! Should be a fun Fall.
BrynS said:
Anyone else having trouble registering for the Conference Call?

If I try using FireFox I get:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: 'oXmlNode'

/ir/EventRegistration.asp, line 182

And if when trying IE I get an HTTP 500 - Internal server error

Is this due to me not registering earlier or does there appear to be a problem with the server streaming the call?


Try here instead
Ratchet said:
"Late Summer" for the R520 apparently. They even said "Fall" at one point.

One guy asked how they expect people to remain positive toward ATI when nVidia already has 7800, new SLI, and stuff all available right now while ATI is still struggling to get the R520 and Crossfire out. He actually sounded pissed.

At the end of his response I swear I heard Orton "hrmph!" at the guy :D

Investors dislike companies missing multiple targets in a row. They also seem to dislike the path management is taking at ATI. I can understand how they'd be peeved if I had a lot of money invested in ATI.

With the large number of execution misses in the last year, ATI's management has a lot of ground to catch up before investors will begin to regain faith.
Hi there, long time reader, first time writer. Just had a thought - isn't the Q3 loss being reported the day after a 7800GTX launch the icing on the cake for nVidia?
JCizzle said:
Hi there, long time reader, first time writer. Just had a thought - isn't the Q3 loss being reported the day after a 7800GTX launch the icing on the cake for nVidia?
I'm sure that's no coincidence.
Ratchet said:
JCizzle said:
Hi there, long time reader, first time writer. Just had a thought - isn't the Q3 loss being reported the day after a 7800GTX launch the icing on the cake for nVidia?
I'm sure that's no coincidence.

I don't follow. Nvidia timed the launch to coincide with ATi's earnings report?
trinibwoy said:
Ratchet said:
JCizzle said:
Hi there, long time reader, first time writer. Just had a thought - isn't the Q3 loss being reported the day after a 7800GTX launch the icing on the cake for nVidia?
I'm sure that's no coincidence.

I don't follow. Nvidia timed the launch to coincide with ATi's earnings report?

Or ATI timed their earnings report to coincide with Nvidia's launch? :?