ATI Predicts 60% Growth in HDTV


Mostly Harmless

On the one hand, NICE. On the other, haven't they talked about trying to make "consumer" a $1B business for them? That's still a long way to go. . .

Edit: A "reliable source" informs me that "consumer" is a division that includes consoles and handhelds as well. . .re that $1B yearly target.
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True, but even if you include handheld and console, they're still very far from that $1B revenue target. The royalty model means that they'll be topping out at $100 million/year max between MSFT/Nintendo/Qualcomm, and they're not progressing fast enough in generating new business from other consumer segments to even approach the billion mark anytime soon. Not that revenue is that useful a metric, mind you, since those console royalties are pure profit and that's what counts most. But even if they land the next Gameboy and handheld Xbox deals along with Nokia cellphones, the only way they'll succeed in reaching that "50% of total revenue" target is if their core PC GPU business starts to shrink. Heck, if they keep fumbling the way they have since R300, they might actually make that happen. :???: :rolleyes:
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QUALCOMM is just very slow in implementing Imageon into their solutions and BREW by the sound of it. At this rate it looks like they are not going with the descrete Imageon solution, but the embedded.
Dave Baumann said:
QUALCOMM is just very slow in implementing Imageon into their solutions and BREW by the sound of it. At this rate it looks like they are not going with the descrete Imageon solution, but the embedded.

From ATI's original PR, it sounded to me like an integrated version of Imageon was intended all along. But two years later, as you note, nothing has materialized yet and I'm beginning to wonder whether Qualcomm is going ahead with this platform. Seems whatever project ATI is involved with takes an eternity to deliver, while NVDA drums up new business out of nowhere at the snap of a finger.

And yes, geo, this was negotiated as a royalty deal as revealed in an ATI CC (eons ago, it seems).
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So Dave, I'll errr.....inquire again. Where do you suppose Fuad pulled that ATI/Nokia rumour from? You hear any such rumblings lately :?:
kemosabe said:
So Dave, I'll errr.....inquire again. Where do you suppose Fuad pulled that ATI/Nokia rumour from? You hear any such rumblings lately :?:

Well errr....I'm not Dave, but allow me to speculate here. NOKIA is a major player in the mobile market and I'd think that they don't want to rely on one source of technology exclusively. I don't think their recent investment into Bitboys was a coincidence either. All this means to me is that ATI/BB/IMG tech could have chances to find their way into their mobile/handhelds, which of the three will get integrated after all is still a question mark since I don't see anywhere a definite announcement that defines details.

Those that give IMG the higher chances connect it to the relationship NOKIA has with Texas Instruments and the platforms the latter is pushing.
kemosabe said:
From ATI's original PR, it sounded to me like an integrated version of Imageon was intended all along. But two years later, as you note, nothing has materialized yet and I'm beginning to wonder whether Qualcomm is going ahead with this platform. Seems whatever project ATI is involved with takes an eternity to deliver, while NVDA drums up new business out of nowhere at the snap of a finger.

And yes, geo, this was negotiated as a royalty deal as revealed in an ATI CC (eons ago, it seems).

Interesting. It appears that Qualcomm originally anticipated sampling in 2004:

And this suggests both models, integrated for MSM7 and separate Imageon chip for MSM6:;jsessionid=5UXGY42O2KPR0QSNDBGCKH0CJUMEKJVN?articleID=18401366
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kemosabe said:
Well there's finally some sign of life coming from Qualcomm's MSM7xxx platform.

Orton mentioned they'd begun sampling in the CC, but yes indeed its nice to see it reported elsewhere. I think he also said production ramps in the Summer/Fall.
kemosabe said:
Seems whatever project ATI is involved with takes an eternity to deliver, while NVDA drums up new business out of nowhere at the snap of a finger.

They just usually deliver faster as of late, gives good image/rep.