As sleazy as it gets

There is no way this fellow could have expected to be taken seriously and it seems he is trying to get caught relatively early. It seems like a very poor joke and malicious at the same time. Anyone that has read more than two posts done by CR would not buy it in any case.

I know you like MMOs Chris so all I have to say is, "This guy needs to delete and reroll irl." :p
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I don't get this some Nvidia fanboi who has a grudge against you Chris, or is someone mearly stealing your name for their own agenda. Knowingly, of course, because of your 'support' for ATI/AMD/AMADIT, which essentially makes it a perfect identity to steal for Nvidia-bashing.

Because it really seems like this person targeted your name specifically, they could just as easily have used something else that looked more...'official' and not bothered a soul. :???:
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I'd love to bust that prick. I bet if several sites got together and pooled tracking we could. Never happen tho. Ah well.
Oh sorry, my that the wrong way around. But you know what I mean :smile:

*edit*. I guess that makes no sense then. If it were an ATI fanboi, they wouldn't be using Chris's name then. Just some wackjob craaaaazy person then.
Heh. I just responded on that thread as well. Maybe mine will give the SOB pause. :devilish:
Nope, he just pointed out how wrong you were and he's posting at a board where you can't "sensor" him. :LOL:

Did anyone point out to that yutz that Chris isn't censored here nor is he banned?
What he's really saying is we've already banned him here under another account, or probably several. I'm almost ready to bet this guy is sonyps35 or someone like that.
No, what he's saying now is that me and you work for nVidia Geo!

Oh, what an asshat this kid is! Too much fun. :)
I just left a quote over there you're going to love so much it wouldn't surprise me to see it in your sig. :LOL:
That's just to much, makes me sick. In my life I've done some pretty nasty things, but I've never stolen someones identity, I just can't imagine doing it. I'm sorry you have to deal with this Chris, I guess you could take it as that you're shown as being a powerful voice in the community.
Now this is plain pathetic but it's funny that he now has the gall to say he never was saying that he was that ChrisRay though that's clearly what he's trying to imply with his first post.

I applaud you in that thread at AMDPlanet64 and you too, Dig. Sticking up for fine members of this fine community is refreshing! Thank you from a simple-minded fruit cake gamer.

This quote-- almost fell off my chair --LOL!

Well, Brian Burke uses Digitalwanderer's likeness for a dart board

I liked the second 1/2 better
--and this so pleases Digi that he sends him a new one every month just for that purpose.

The fact is there are a bunch of people I'd do that for, including Digi, Hanners, John Reynolds, etc. . . guys who are known in the community, that are a "brand" in themselves which makes them vulnerable to this kind of thing. This isn't really about Chris for me, tho I'm happy to help Chris out. It's about us the community.
I just read the new forum post and all I can really do is frown at it right now. I do thank you guys for being proactive about going after him. The whole situation is pretty nerve rattling at the moment. I have a feeling thats the intention of this guy though. To get at me and consequently Nvidia at the same time.


*Update* I think its strange he's claiming to me over at Guru3d, When infact that is my username. I just havent posted there in a long long time.
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