Apple Updates Pro Line

I don't know how many people here are interested in Mac news, but this seems relevant anyway.

Apple released brand new PowerMacs today, all running with dual-core G5's. The high-end machine runs with 2 of these new dual-core chips (dual-dual, as it were). Also, all G5's now use PCIe graphics cards, although there is still no option for Mac SLI.

The 15 and 17 inch Powerbooks recieved small updates, including higher resolution displays with better contrast values, and extended battery life.

There have been a slew of Apple updates of late. Every line of Apple computers has been updated within the past week. Obviously, more information on each can be found at Apple's website. This is sort of a notice.

I thought most people would be interested in the dual-dual configuration Apple has taken, and the reported 21 Gflops it can process (88% faster than the previous dual 2.7 ghz G5).
