Any of you had any scary STD/medical encounters?


While I impatiently wait for my HIV test results to come back sometime next week (and a bit), I have to wonder if anyone else has had any brushes with 'dem evil STDs?

I'm the neurotic type. I practice safe sex, yet still manage to freak out about the 'what if' factors, like cuts on your fingers, brushing your teeth before sex (bleedy gums), etc etc. Doesn't help when you do some googling and find out that virtually anything can be a symptom, like flakey skin, swollen glands, diarreha, headaches, nausea, so on and so forth. (and for the record, my doctor said I have 'one' swollen gland in my neck! :oops: )

It's quite the bitch to be a sexually active 20-something these days (worse for us fruity-types), constantly living under the shadow of said diseases. It's like the western world in the 1960s, always fearing the evil 'communists' every waking hour!

Anyhow, was wondering if anyone else has had any close encounters and/or fuck ups to share. Got anyone pregant? Crabs? Herpes?

Personally, if number has come up and I have to have an STD, I'll take clamydia thank you very much! All it does is make men sterile :LOL:
I'm still a virgin. I have nothing to worry about as I will stick to my hand until married. :)

Before I get married I would ask my wife to go through those tests. :)

After all, I don't want to catch anything.
zurich said:
Got anyone pregant?
I don't think that could possibly, in any way, be considered an STD! :oops:

K.I.L.E.R said:
I'm still a virgin. I have nothing to worry about as I will stick to my hand until married. :)

You could always wear a rubber glove :D
I Never had any STD (knocks on wood).
Me and my bf took AIDS test as we started going steady (5 or 6 years ago), both were negative, after that we've had no tests. Guess it would be a good idea to do it again ;).
Bf was more nervous than I during the two weeks, while waiting for the results.
Bf has only ever got crabs (which he unsuccesfully tried to repel with 'Domestos' (a chlorite cleaning fluid)), says he got them from hotel sheets in Russia :rolleyes: That was before my time, so I was spared.
Not I, but it does remind me of two of my friends.

One ended up being the best man for the other's wedding. The best man had caught the clap from the bride a few years prior.

The marriage, of course, didn't last long. (Neither one of them was very stable in the noggin)
Simon F said:
zurich said:
You could always wear a rubber glove :D

Should I stick my dick in the thumb or finger compartment of it?
If finger then which finger compartment?

Wouldn't a rubber glove be too small? It wouldn't even fit properly. You won't even feel a thing with a rubber glove.
wow ryan, talk about going public... :LOL:

just thought i'd contribute, i've had crabs (probably by sharing the bed with a friend), gonnorhoea (how on earth do u spell that) which is rather irritating and painful and horrible to see.

also had an emergency HIV and HepC tests, but it all went well...

rubber gloves? nah, u should try woolen gloves, that would be interesting :LOL:
been tested negative for all:

Hep B&C
any other STDs

never caught anything in my fooling around years. Wife and I got tested after being together for 6 months. Both came back clean.

So long as she hasn't cheated on me, we should be safe.
This is why I'm never going to have sex with anything else but my hand. :|

london-boy said:
wow ryan, talk about going public... :LOL:

just thought i'd contribute, i've had crabs (probably by sharing the bed with a friend), gonnorhoea (how on earth do u spell that) which is rather irritating and painful and horrible to see.

also had an emergency HIV and HepC tests, but it all went well...

rubber gloves? nah, u should try woolen gloves, that would be interesting :LOL:
I get tested every 3 months. Well i can actually skip next months test :( .

But no i have a funny story though. A month after this girl and i broke up she got gonharia (sp?) in her throught from swallowing haha.

Oh and to whoever said a kid would suck alot . Well that isn't true. My friend got a girl pregnat and it turned out to be the best thing in his life. He stoped doing drugs , got a real job and is back in school. IT made him grow up. The kid is 3 now and is really smart and loves his uncle joe (me:) ) and I've never seen my friend so proud. It actually makes me want to have kids.
Catching an STD? The chance would be a fine thing. :p

A friend of mine was accused of giving the clap to his girlfriend. She was really vicious to him about it until he was tested and got the all clear... :devilish: