I was honestly expecting to see it today
I cant pay $500 for a video card, and even if i could, with an Athlon XP 2600+ i wouldnt use that power anyway. My 9700Pro is getting a little long in the tooth, as evidenced by FarCry (Medium settings give me 2x FPS of very high settings, so its not CPU limited). the 6800NU is looking worse then i was expecting though (12x1 with less then 400mhz core?)
Im depressed. Anyone know any info on when it will lauch, clocks, ANYTHING?
I cant pay $500 for a video card, and even if i could, with an Athlon XP 2600+ i wouldnt use that power anyway. My 9700Pro is getting a little long in the tooth, as evidenced by FarCry (Medium settings give me 2x FPS of very high settings, so its not CPU limited). the 6800NU is looking worse then i was expecting though (12x1 with less then 400mhz core?)
Im depressed. Anyone know any info on when it will lauch, clocks, ANYTHING?