Analyst: Apple's Music Dominance Reaching Microsoft Heights

Come on now. If history has taught us anything, it should be that Apple's ability to get in on something before anyone else is only trounced by their ability to take that opportunity and screw it up.
Clashman said:
Come on now. If history has taught us anything, it should be that Apple's ability to get in on something before anyone else is only trounced by their ability to take that opportunity and screw it up.

I've made a 68% profit on my AAPL holdings from when I baught it two eyars ago. Hardly a screw-up... wish I had invested more heh
Clashman said:
Come on now. If history has taught us anything, it should be that Apple's ability to get in on something before anyone else is only trounced by their ability to take that opportunity and screw it up.

Indeed. They're already doing this by locking out other companies from using Fairplay DRM. All it takes is a competitor coming out with a superior product and they are going to lose so many of those windows iTunes users. Especially if that product supports all the other protocols.

Apple did the same thing with their Mac. Had they licensed it to other companies, the PC probably would have never gained dominance on the market. The open nature of the PC platform is what allowed it to overcome the initial domination of Apple. The same will happen with MP3 players if Apple doesn't wise up.

The annoying thing is that the Ipod can support other music formats if Apple would just release an updated BIOS to rectify the solution. Grrr...