AMD have said that photorealism will be achieved in 5 years.

Thank you swaayee.

I actually have a bit of faith that even with current gen consoles that we'll have some really photo realistic games in a way...or from a certain perspective as it has been argued since the first presentations.

Besides resolution and frame rate and the claims of "easy to dev for" it still is gonna depend on the genre...or even the sub-genres of videogame types with smoke and mirrors of course.
Photorealism in games is the attempt to reproduce real world visuals as realistically as possible. Photorealism doesn't need to be perfect. The quality of a game's photorealistic effect will be determined how readily it flaws are discerned by your average gamer. If in the future, you need to present a game under a certain circumstance that exist in a limited fashion to highlight its photorealistic imperfections, its devs probably will have done a great job.

I LOL'd once I thought about how photorealism in games may allow for full motion video based cutscenes to return. Given how bitterly people opposed their use due to their effect of breaking immersion, its funny to think about them being used to enhanced it in the future. Smoothly transitioning from full motion video to live play might be a much talked about effect going forward once photorealism becomes a viable choice.
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Hmm I prefer real time cutscenes using in game graphics and assets, scripts and imperfections.

Not necessarily bugs but how some times there is a slight variation in the cutscenes. I really disliked how say Killzone 3 devs decided to use pre-recorded video to mask load times on PS3. But that was a decision made for other reasons that perhaps they felt like trying.

I'm currently playing a Japan only release that imho seems to be using a type of MLAA that shows up during some of the real time cutscenes and it's global light source casting which is great imho. Of course that game iisn't photo realistic given the scale of things and it's new 3d engine.

Games like Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls approach photo realism, so did L.A. Noire.

Average gamers are a bit too extreme for my tastes in that there's a lot of resistance to such games and favoring shooters...

When I mentioned the different gamers who told me last gen console CoDMW1/2 was "like real life or more realistic" perhaps it's a side effect of the overwhelming hype. But I did point out how it just wasn't. However I played the PC versions instead.