Am i tired of videogames?

london-boy said:
Time for a thoughtful thread without a trace of console/games/developers wars or financial analysis.

The story is simple: I think i've grown out of games.

I've been buying a few games over the last few months, mainly because they got rave reviews and i wanted to try them out.
2 days ago i started off RE4, and from the start i just felt like i could not possibly embark into such a task. Even thinking about all the things i would have to do in the game put me off straight away. It's like i had a small panic attack and turned the thing off as soon as i got to the small house thing right at the beginning of the game. I think the old-school interface didn't help much, the "find thing and read the caption" kind of thing i was so used to do years ago.

Am i getting old? Have "other things" in life changed the way about how i feel about pushing buttons in from of a flashy mess of pixels? I mean, in retrospective, i have spent a ridiculous amount of my time for something that, at the end of the day, is actually quite pointless! I'm getting old, definately.

The only games i'm enjoying at the moment are the ones i can pick up, play for 30 mins or so and put down, games like Katamari Damaci and Burnout (whichever it is). Anything more and i either have to change game or just stop playing altogether.

I was really looking forward to play Kingdom Hearts 2 and Final Fantasy 12 but if i REALLY think about it, i'm quite sure i won't have the time or even the will to go through two massive games like them. And i hate it. I hate the fact that i don't enjoy games as much as i used to, if at all, but there is nothing i can do about it. It's nothing technical, updated graphics will probably bump my interest a little, but the novelty will wear off fast, like new PC games with great graphics (like HL2, Farcry, FEAR and others) were totally boring for me, even though they were the prettiest games i could put my hands on before the 360 came out.

Am i the only one here who feels like that?
Any criteria is an ad-hominem attack....meh.
london-boy said:
Am i the only one here who feels like that?
The same thing happened to me last year because I had an overdose of RPG's and other games I bought, not because they appealed to me but just because they got great reviews.

The best advice I can give you is:
Take a break, play less games and don't force yourself to finish games you don't like playing.
When you want to buy a new game, be more selective, follow your heart and not the scores.
Also, a next-gen console can do wonders.
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I too am experiencing what you've described, London-Boy.

I think the problem is that we're maturing faster than game design.

These days, I can only be troubled to play quick-fix games like Burnout - and standout titles in my favorite genres. For example, I bought BLACK and it's brought back that old excitement again. Shadow of the Colossus rocked my world, and then there's Guitar Hero - a game that takes me to a whole other level.

See, we've been doing this for so long (I've been a gamer for 28 years now) that we've tired of standard gaming conventions and hunger for something more. That "something more" is not easy to find; gaming gems like the titles above are few and far between. But in the end, they're worth the wait, and in the meantime, what choice do we really have?

By the way - Resident Evil 4 is totally worth it. Push on for another level or so - at least until you get to the lake battle - and if the game doesn't hook you by then, hang it up. For me, RE4 was one of those standout titles. I'd easily place it in my top 5 gaming experiences of all time, and it's surely a contender for #1.

Good luck, LB. And remember, there's no shame in having refined tastes. :)
Well I'll admit that I'm in my 30's and still love to play games. Although the feeling I refer to is more of a been there done that before feeling. Similar to how people often complain about the number of WWII games etc. and I think this is part of where gaming as a whole has lost some of "originality" to games (not to mention part of the reason why handhelds enjoy a boom right now). With all the current and future graphic and processing enhancements, I'm hoping for more original engaging gameplay so much so that I've been manuvering to hopefully put my own ideas to the test.

I have high hopes for the future of gaming (VR at the age of 80 :)) although at times I admit I have many concerns as well. I just keep enjoying the titles that entertain me and look for titles that set themselves apart. Never know, maybe one day I might play a part in creating it :)
nintenho said:
Any criteria is an ad-hominem attack....meh.
?? The post and the thread is hardly an attack. If you don't understand or like the thread, don't post in it.

Thanks everyone else for your comments.

Oh by the way, i finished Katamari Damaci today and loved it! I'm getting better! :D