AIDS cure found

I heard a week ago that in Italy a vaccine for HIV based on Tat proteine has passed the first test on human beings, and now they will start phase 2 of testing in some other places in Africa and Italy....
Crisidelm said:
I heard a week ago that in Italy a vaccine for HIV based on Tat proteine has passed the first test on human beings, and now they will start phase 2 of testing in some other places in Africa and Italy....

Fingers crossed.

But i'm sceptical, the HIV virus mutates very easily, and a vaccine would have to mutate with it in order to stop it completely.
Couldn't they just get a HIV cell, take out the HIV, replace it's nucleus with a HIV variant that kills HIV?
_xxx_ said:
Virii can spend years in a latent state, so I guess stopping the infection would not make you virus-free.

Yeah viruses are not parasites, heck they are not even organisms so they don't really die. However the cells that they infect eventually dies. When those cells die they have no way to infect other cells if this medication is in affect. I wonder if there is a way to shed the viruses from the body?

K.I.L.E.R said:
Couldn't they just get a HIV cell, take out the HIV, replace it's nucleus with a HIV variant that kills HIV?

Well there is no HIV variant that kills HIV. You cannot genetically engineer one either at least now this decade. However once you do, all you need to do is culture them and let them mutltiply into great numbers then inject it into patients. Anyway as has been said HIV constantly mutates so you're always trying to hit a moving target so it's almost impossible.
This class of drugs is not new and its called Fusion inhabitors and/or Entry inhabitors because it blocks the "entry" where the virus attach.
The first drug that been approved by FDA/EU is Fuzeon and its works the same way by blocking. The reason you cannot cure HIV virus with any drugs is that its "sleeping" in many cells. You can see this in many infected when they take a "Pill-holliday", many stop taking their meds for sideaffects and because they are feeling healthy and they also has good CD4 counts and low/undetectable viralload in their blodscreens.
Usually after a few months you see a Viral rebound and decrease in CD4 but it can give the body a time to repair.

Around 95/96 there was media hype when the Protease-inhabitors came and many belived it would be the cure just because the virus became undetectable..However they saved/saves MANY lives.

But for most in the western-world that gets HIV the options are often great and its a "managable disease" instead of a deathverdict.
What would happen if you get sick though?
If the HIV mutates, and you've run out of drugs to keep it at bay wouldn't you die?
I think about 10% of the ones getting infected gets a resistant strain, but there be many meds that work anyway because different mutations in the virus led to different resistance.

If you ran out of ALL options / ie that you have resitance to all the meds most doctors usually use MANY meds to get "some" control over the viralload. IL-2 has been experimented with to raise your T-cells and killer cells. However as you question was if you get sick we can almost for a certanity say your Doc has doing all he can and with CD4 under 50 you are at great risk to get OI and get sick and die.

Its a very complex subject to answer but i would say many that are dying know because of this is "usually" the ones that got infected in the 80´s and early 90´s/combined with going LONG without knowing their status.
If a virus kills you very fast, it won't survive itself. So, the most effective viruses are the ones that keep you alive until they've spread and aren't life-threatening. Everyone carries a very large amount of those.

So, I think it is quite likely that HIV will get under control when it mutates into a form that stops the lethal variants from killing you and can co-exist with you. In the end, every human might be infected with that variant, and it will become one of the numerous micro-organisms everyone carries all their life.
I know one thing for sure: if I should ever get infected, there's just one choice left - a headshot. Seriously.
PC-Engine said:
In the end, every human might be infected with that variant, and it will become one of the numerous micro-organisms everyone carries all their life.

Like herpes? :LOL:

Without that LOL, yes. Or HPV as well, most humans have genital warts virus (known to be responsible for cervical cancer as well as some forms of lung cancer in the long run).
This cure disables the protein that the virus uses to enter the cells.
I'm sceptical about getting a usebale final drug product out of this. It's very hard to do reliable clincal trials. You will have find some healthy people willing to test the drug, meaning they would have to take drug and then they would be infected with HIV to prove the drug actually works. What if it didn't work? You have infected hunderds of people (in a serious clinical trail) with HIV.
Is this ethical? What about a placebo control group? You just can't do that.
This is no cure and i belive it to be in early phase2 studies, so its a new med that belongs to the newest class and will/If it come to market make for more options. There are a couple of other exp drugs that are further down the pipeline that we will se pretty soon/also a fusion inhabitor i may add. This new drug is a "sister" substance to Fuzeon(T-20) and works on strains of the virus that has developed resitance to Fuzeon.

Currently there are 4 different classes of drugs of witch the fusion-inhabitors are the newest, the other classes are -
-NRTI(first class of drugs approved AZT anyone)
-Protease Inhabitors
-Fusion/Entry inhabitors

I belive we current have ~20 different meds or so.