AGP4x -> PCI Huh?

My sincerest apologies if I am posting this in the wrong forum.

I just got a Geforce4 Ti4200 128MB MSI version. 40.72 drivers under WIn2k SP3

I installed it and everything is great, except when I go to the properties of the main nVIdia window it lists the following

Memory: 128MB

the PCI mode thing is worrying me.. I enabled 4X mode on the motherboard (ECS K7S5A) and set AGP as the primary graphics adapter. ASSIGN IRQ TO PCI VGA is also enabled on the motherboard.

Any ideas on how to get it out of PCI mode and into the AGP mode?
Hehe, yup did that.

Odd though. I installed the AGP driver that came with the mobo cd. However that didn't seem to be enough. I downloaded the driver that SiS had on their webpage and it's now in 4x mode. All is well :D