Addict to whatever..

one thing i hate when i start reading book i like...i cant stop.... i just cant go to sleep before i finish, i simply have to read next page.... and then next offcourse.. untill the end.

that can be very tricky if book has 500+ pages.... :)
silence said:
one thing i hate when i start reading book i like...i cant stop.... i just cant go to sleep before i finish, i simply have to read next page.... and then next offcourse.. untill the end.

that can be very tricky if book has 500+ pages.... :)

Tell me about it! Ended up in bed at 2am last night!! Just couldn't put the thing down, and i knew that if i did, i'd have been awake wondering what will happen next! At one point my eyes started burning though so i just went to sleep. It's hard though, especially with very gripping books, your brain starts working and it's too hard to turn it off.
Unfortunately, I have a bit of an addictive personality... so as I get on in years (24 now), I've found I have to regulate myself pretty diligently.

Caffine: From about 12 or 13 to ~23, I was strung out pretty bad on caffine (from pop). Pepsi, Coke, whatever, I would have about 10-12 cans a day. I know net geeks like their caffine, but I was pretty bad. First thing in the morning, last thing at night.. it's a mericle I didn't get diabetes. Eventually my digestive system just "freaked out" (it's the only way I can put it), and I got pretty sick and wasn't able to even look at a can of pop for a couple of weeks. I later switched to Sprite/7 Up, and then finally quit it cold turkey and have been drinking water instead for the past year and a bit.

Cigarettes: Again, from about 13 to 23, I smoked ~a pack a day. Eventually I met a guy and we got quite involved, so I eventually quit smoking for him. We didn't last, but I managed to kick the habit...

Pot: The guy I mentioned above? Well, he was a bit of a pot head. He left, the pot stayed.. and it grew on my friends too. I try to limit myself to a drag or two per night before bed, but I realize it's something I should try and wean myself off of.

Sex: Being gay, it's pretty easy to get your rocks off (and then some) whenever, however you want. That said, it can also be pretty dangerous/risky too.. I've tried to temper my tendancies somewhat, but it can still be tough :p

Gym: I go ~3-4 times a week for about 2+ hours at a time. I think I'm strung out on the nummy brain chemicals... while there's a whole lot of harm to this, I usually find myself with shin splints, strained back, sprained wrists or something along those lines.
my addictions:

Everquest, various other MMORPG's
how i quit: got a life


how i quit: probably never will
london-boy said:
I just can't stop, i finish a book and i need to start a new one straight away.
Since february i've been through the 4 Dan Brown's books (Da vinci, Deception, Angels&Demons and Digital Fortress... i know... don't ask...), May Contain Nuts (very funny book), Flowers for Algernon, The Sparrow (amazing book), and the Potter's. Almost 13 books in 5 months.

I just finished Deception myself, and I've read the rest of Brown's novels too - I couldn't get enough of Angels & Demons and The Da Vinci Code. I really need to find another writer like him. Any ideas?

Diplo said:
Unreal Tournament: Used to be a hardcore player of the original UT. I was in a top Euro clan and at one point was played in 3 of the major Euro leagues. Used to have to practice a few hours a night to stay good. Suddenly realised I was no longer having fun, it was becoming like a job. Also the pressure becomes huge when you are expected to perform well every time and have other people (clan mates) relying on you.

I also played UT religiously. Did the clan thing, did the matches thing...then I upgraded to OS X and all of a sudden UT wasn't supported anymore. I'm still waiting for it...

God I loved that game. Ugh...

And currently I'm addicted to Coke Cola. Really trying to cut back because my dentist told me it's rotting my teeth. It's such a pain. Besides sex, nothing we want is good for us. :LOL:
as for books, i am SF fan, so i read like fanatic....
as for gaming...i was playing W:ET in clan and it was really like a second job, we had one day off, every other day it was practice and tactics then either official match or some friendly war for more practice....

cool thing is when you get to know all the guys from clan IRL... on LAN usually... when you can put face behind nick....
Caffiene is supposed but I constantly find myself back on it and its rotting my teeth ( I don't drink tea or coffee so its cola for me ). Last time I came off caffiene I woke up in the middle of the night nearly vomitting. Thankfully its my only non-electronic addiction I do drink but I'm not addicted and I don't smoke. I'm currently 23 so so my story about caffiene is similar except I'm pretty sure I started before I was 12 and its the only thing I drink except for alcohol most of the time. One of my major problem is I really can't stand to drink non-carbonated stuff ( coke,beer,bubbly wine, vodka and soft drink ) and its the fact I want to get off the soft drink rather then the caffeine. If you want to stop drinking cola I recommend you switch to fruit punch when you coming off ( tropical fruit juice+ginger ale ) it seem to do a reasonable job of satisifying the taste buds.

I used to be addicted to UO though that was probably a good thing since one of my major stints was after my break-up with my highschool sweet heart. I'm sick of UO now though I've hacked it more then enough times :p
QW: TeamFortress. Played it what 6 years, almost everyday 2-10hours. When we had an important match coming I practised like crazy and planned tactics. Losing a game felt bad.

I quit after realizing that I could try something else. Life that is. Tried and got hooked so I'm not sure if I'll ever play any game the same way I used to play QWTF. Actually for the last years it wasn't a game at all but a hobby. To be honest, I was quite good player :) Our clan managed to win the last two TomteFortress-tournaments (which were the last big Nordic QWTF-tournaments in 2003 and 2004) and I was one of the managers/leaders in Team Europe.
Miksu said:
QW: TeamFortress. Played it what 6 years, almost everyday 2-10hours. When we had an important match coming I practised like crazy and planned tactics. Losing a game felt bad.

I quit after realizing that I could try something else. Life that is. Tried and got hooked so I'm not sure if I'll ever play any game the same way I used to play QWTF. Actually for the last years it wasn't a game at all but a hobby. To be honest, I was quite good player :) Our clan managed to win the last two TomteFortress-tournaments (which were the last big Nordic QWTF-tournaments in 2003 and 2004) and I was one of the managers/leaders in Team Europe.

Ah QWTF.. aka my life from 14 to 17! No game will ever be the same for me...

Were you in Vallasherra? If so, we beat you :) I was the leader of Aftermath. Very close and very intense game! I remember we had 500 people in our IRC channel during that match, virtually all of the North American QWTF scene was rooting for us! Ah those were the days.. AM's year and a half or so domination of the NA QWTF scene was great.

* goes off to mull over the memories of AM and QWTF for the rest of the day *
Ok, I'll admit it....I'm totally hooked on aciphex, plavix, pravachol, and enteric aspirin. I just can't go thru a day without my fix. :oops:
zurich said:
Miksu said:
QW: TeamFortress. Played it what 6 years, almost everyday 2-10hours. When we had an important match coming I practised like crazy and planned tactics. Losing a game felt bad.

I quit after realizing that I could try something else. Life that is. Tried and got hooked so I'm not sure if I'll ever play any game the same way I used to play QWTF. Actually for the last years it wasn't a game at all but a hobby. To be honest, I was quite good player :) Our clan managed to win the last two TomteFortress-tournaments (which were the last big Nordic QWTF-tournaments in 2003 and 2004) and I was one of the managers/leaders in Team Europe.

Ah QWTF.. aka my life from 14 to 17! No game will ever be the same for me...

Were you in Vallasherra? If so, we beat you :) I was the leader of Aftermath. Very close and very intense game! I remember we had 500 people in our IRC channel during that match, virtually all of the North American QWTF scene was rooting for us! Ah those were the days.. AM's year and a half or so domination of the NA QWTF scene was great.

* goes off to mull over the memories of AM and QWTF for the rest of the day *

Heheh. Nope, I wasn't in cVH. I used to play in a finnish clan called Nexus back then. Kinda small and didn't do that well, but we had fun nevertheless. After that I was without connection for about half a year and then I played in Classic from 2000(or 2001) to 2005. Of course the scene wasn't as large as it used to be, but we still played some 100 games every year. Nordic tf-scene lasted 'til February 2005. Now, from what I've gathered, people are playing ETF only.

In 2004 there were about 5-8 clans left so the scene was really small. That was the main problem with the game. You knew everyone too well so the things got kinda personal. Though we managed to win some 95% of our games in 2004 and in December we won the TomteFortress. Which was a really nice tournament. It's an invite only and is played in one weekend. Games start at around 10am and last till 11pm. You can read the news and download demos from here, if you like.

I assume you've watched the two TFDE-movies? If not, I really really recommend them. Though after that your propably going to install QW and TF again :)
Ah QWTF.. aka my life from 14 to 17! No game will ever be the same for me...

Were you in Vallasherra? If so, we beat you :) I was the leader of Aftermath. Very close and very intense game! I remember we had 500 people in our IRC channel during that match, virtually all of the North American QWTF scene was rooting for us! Ah those were the days.. AM's year and a half or so domination of the NA QWTF scene was great.

* goes off to mull over the memories of AM and QWTF for the rest of the day *

Hey, it's AM-SunBlade. Give me a hollar!
Caffiene is supposed but I constantly find myself back on it and its rotting my teeth ( I don't drink tea or coffee so its cola for me ). Last time I came off caffiene I woke up in the middle of the night nearly vomitting. Thankfully its my only non-electronic addiction I do drink but I'm not addicted and I don't smoke. I'm currently 23 so so my story about caffiene is similar except I'm pretty sure I started before I was 12 and its the only thing I drink except for alcohol most of the time. One of my major problem is I really can't stand to drink non-carbonated stuff ( coke,beer,bubbly wine, vodka and soft drink ) and its the fact I want to get off the soft drink rather then the caffeine. If you want to stop drinking cola I recommend you switch to fruit punch when you coming off ( tropical fruit juice+ginger ale ) it seem to do a reasonable job of satisifying the taste buds.
Oh man I used to have a bad addiction to sodas too. I would drink up to 10 cans/bottles of soda a day. I became quite the connoisseur of soda, I found Coca-Cola in the glass bottles imported from Mexico taste the best. And I was going through a deep depression so brushing my teeth was the last thing on my mind and there was major damage done on my teeth as a result. Not only the teeth rotting thing motivated me to stop drinking but also because caffeine supposedly exacerbates the condition of anxiety sufferers. I liked to drink Lemonade as I was getting off the sodas.
caffeine - pretty much cut it out. I'll have the occassional black coffee or pop. Drank a lot of pop when I was a teen and it was bad for my teeth. Didn't get cavities but I'm a tooth grinder when I sleep, so all the acid helped me do a lot of damage. That was a good incentive to cut out the pop. Caffeine seemed to generally make me more tired and sleep poorly.

sugar - haven't kicked this one yet. I just like sweet foods too much. I'm better than I was.

I don't drink, smoke or use any drugs. Too much Minor Threat in my formative years, maybe.
I have a really bad internet addiction. Before the internet, it was a book/magazine addiction.

Im a junkie for information, evne if its completely random.

I have a cig/caffeine/Backgammon addiction as well, but I consider those utterly trivial relative to the internet problem as I have no problem quitting when I have too.

Serious withdrawals and irratability ensues if im taken away from the internet for too long, it really is pretty bad.